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Author's POV: so now basically Taehyung is no more and y/n and Jungkook started a happy life after marriage they also went to their honeymoon and had fun, and now it's the day of y/n's delivery she is in her labor right now let's wait is it a girl or a boy?

y/n: ahhhhh!!! I can't push anymore it's a lot painful

doctor: just two more pushes y/n then you will hold your baby in your hand

Jungkook holding y/n's hands tight and pecked her forehead

Jungkook: babe just your two pushes will give us the life's biggest happiness please you are strong I am here with you

y/n: no I can't push anymore I can't

doctor: please y/n you can

y/n: ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

doctor: yes one last push it's almost there

y/n: ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

After few minutes

y/n opened her eyes slowly and saw Jungkook sitting carrying a baby in his hand

y/n: Jungkook

Jungkook: look our little daughter my little y/n

y/n had tears in her eyes while she saw her daughter

End of flashback

After 5 years

y/n was cooking breakfast in the kitchen while she felt a back hug it was none other than Jungkook he was kissing on her neck she was smiling a lot

Jungkook: good morning love

y/n: good morning babe go and wake Jeeiun up she is getting late for her school

Jungkook: ok mam as you say

Jungkook went to Jeeuin to wake her up so he kissed on her forehead

Jeeuin: good morning dad

Jungkook: good morning sweety go get ready for school

Jeeuin: but dad I don't want to go today

Jungkook: Jeeuin you have to or else how will you become successful

y/n came to Jeeuin's  room and saw Jungkook and Jeeuin talking

y/n: so kookie why is she not ready yet

Jungkook: let her stay home today and let's hangout

y/n: Jungkook are you ok I mean you are saying this I don't believe

Jungkook: uff you and your questions today I want my daughter to stay home so she will please

y/n: ok ok dad won and mom lost happy now

Jeeuin: yesss (she got up and hugged y/n tight)

At dining table

Jungkook: so where will we go today

y/n: hmm how about to a theme park

Jeeuin: no today let's watch a movie

Both: movie?

Jeeuin: yes there is a new movie in cinemas so lets go please mom dad

y/n: ok so we will go for a movie ok

Jeeuin: yay I love you mom and dad

At cinemas

Jeeuin y/n and Jungkook were watching the movie where as Jungkook was rubbing y/n's thigh continuesly while she was smiling a lot because of this after the movie got over they decided to eat in a restaurant so they went to a restaurant for eating

At restaurant

Jeeuin: mom dad I have a request can I ask?

y/n: ofc sweety ask

Jungkook: we are listening honey

Jeeuin: mom dad I am very alone all my friends have small brother and sisters but I am alone so can I get a small brother or sister

y/n: no

Jungkook: yes sure Jeeuin baby we will give you sibling but you need to wait it will take nine months

Jeeuin: yay now I will have brother or sister

At home

Jeeuin went to sleep then Jungkook carried y/n to the room

Jungkook: you are only mine

y/n: I am only yours kook I love you

Jungkook: I LOVE YOU TOO

Then they started doing it

Life gives you chance to find your love just go on because if you lose the chance you may never get it back :)

                                                                               HAPPY ENDING :)

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