Chapter: 2

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Book Name: A Dark Night Page no: 02

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Book Name: A Dark Night
Page no: 02

On the story:

And a whisper said:Open.

As Chris opened the old door, his hand was filled with dust.

When it opened, a bunch of dust hit his face and a spider was hanging upside down.

Chris moved the spider aside and entered.

Chris:Woah this is huge!

Chris saw a long neverending hallway. As he walked down, he felt like something was following him, but as turned around, nothing was there. He turned his flashlight on.

He went through the hallway and saw a collection of paintings on the wall, like a gallery. The first picture was a family, a father, mother and daughter. It was a happy family.

Chris:What a happy family. I suddenly miss my family. Moving on.

The next picture was the mother, the daughter and a young man.

Chris:Where is the father? Huh?

He removed dust from the picture and looked closely at the girl's face.

Chris:She looks so sad.

And then he heard sounds of crying from behind him.

He tried to ignore it,thinking that it was his imagination due to being engulfed in fear.

There was a wooden drawer along the line and a doll on it. It was doll with an eye missing. The other shone with a bright blue color.

It was pitch black but that one eye shone. He pointed his flashlight at the doll and immediately dropped the doll. The doll's pupil contracted. It had a big, unsettling smile.

The looked back to the painting and saw the girl and the mother but one of the girl's eye was covered with a towel. It had blood drawn on the towel.

Chris:What happened?

As he kept walking down the hallway, he stumbled upon a diary. The aura of the diary was as if spirits were inside.

Chris was curious so he opened the book and immediately he was numb. It's as if someone locked him.

The diary read: My lover, my dear was the only one that made me happy. My oppressive aunt was the only one in my family. My father and mother were gone, so was my uncle. My aunt hated me and my lover so she locked me and gouged one of my eyes. I saw my lover die in red blood outside of the window. I decided not to be. Hath I ever done anything wrong?

Chris was horrified by the diary. He put it back where it was.

There were a set of stairs, Chris went up the stairs. Someone was pushing him, or at least it felt like. Chris was totally tormented and petrified. As he went up the wooden stairs, loud footsteps can be heard, but they weren't only his.

It was a huge painting covered with a curtain. The red blood dust curtain had spider webs hanging from it. Chris quickly opened it and saw a big painting.

It was the girl. She was smiling creepily with her two eyes. She turned his flashlight on and went closer and suddenly, it was a sad face. Only one shining blue eye and the other was gone. As he stepped backwards due to terror as now, tears of blood were flowing from the missing eye and a long braid fell on Chris.

He ran down the stairs and with out looking, fell down a chamber, which was not opened before hand.

As he fell, he was screaming but then reality hit him as he saw he big bleak room.

Chris:Oh shit I dropped my flashlight! Ah fuck this hurts.

He stood up and tried to feel around to find his way.

He was walking slowly when he ran into something. A few glass bottles fell and broke with really alarmed Chris.

He walked by the wall and realized that there was a window. He slowly removed ages of dust and coughed.

As he was doing that a scary figure with red eyes was watching him......

Hey diamonds 💎!!
This is it for this chapter
I hope you all liked it
Love you all ❤

Hey diamonds 💎!!This is it for this chapter I hope you all liked it Love you all ❤

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A Dark Night (Gothic/Horror)Completed ✔Where stories live. Discover now