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*Insert background music*
Zack Tabudlo-asan kana ba

Y/n's POV

   I was walking to school after dropping off Mirei to the nursery & Hayate to his school,tbh it's hard raising 2 kids,cause our mom works overseas while our dad is umm...with a rich ass foreign milf,yeah crazy life it is he left us without knowing were here trying to mentain a stable life,me his daughter that's a young single mother,Hayate his son that can help with only studying hard,& mom that works far away from home just to give us a good life.Anyways enough with the drama,I finally arrived at school ummm...a little early,only a few students are in their classrooms & as for me I'm here alone...with nerdy keisuke,*great awkward level much*

"Hey it's you again silent pain" he said grinning like a wierdo.
"Well if it isn't nerdy keisuke" I said back.
"Hey!!who you calling a nerd?!" He said blushing,haha tsundere boy.
"Isn't it obvious or I should just call you tsundere boy" I said giggling at my new nickname for him.
"Shut you're fucking mouth!!"he said trying to win the argument.
" sorry no can do"I said teasing him even more.
"Shut you're mouth or else" he said threatening me.
"Or else what?" I asked but he pinned me to the wall & grabbed my collar. I was expecting to get punched or something but the girls in our class interfered.

"OI!KEISUKE!!WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING L/N-KUN?!" blasted one of them
"Oi!you bitches are really blinded by the looks" said one of the boys,tsk jealous men it's not my fault I have duality.
"Why not fight back then" I said smirking,this is getting fun.
"Fine you & me hand in hand combat lunch time at the gym,don't be late" keisuke said.
"I won't be" I said back giving him a smirk.
"Oh btw you girls thank you for the defending you did I appreciate it" I said & winked at them before sitting on my chair,ugh women do find looks than personality.

UGH WHY DID I CHALLENGE HER,I CAN'T HURT A GIRL......but then again..... I wanna see how strong the silent pain is.


it was lunch time & the crowd in the gym was off the hook a lot,*are people really interested in this stuff*I thought.
"Baji-san are you really sure you wanna challenge her?Mikey did say she's strong almost at his limits" chifuyu asked me.
"Heck yeah i wanna challenge her,I wanna see how good of a fighter she is" I said taking off the glasses  & fixing my ponytail.She came in the gym looking calm AF.
"Thought you'd never come!!!" I yelled at her,she looked at me smirking.
"Wouldn't miss this tsundere boy!!" She yelled back taking off her blazer & rolling up her sleeves revealing her slender yet veiny arms.
"You know the rules" I said looking at her.
"First one to go down loses" we said in unison.
We readied our fighting stance me putting my fist's out & her positioning her legs,the crowd screamed go & our fight began,I keep trying to land a punch at her face or body but she kept dodging my attacks not even bothering to land a single hit at me,i landed an uppercut on her but she did a back flip kicking me right at the chin & her landing perfectly on her feet.
"Ara sorry i had to kick you're sweet little face" she said faking her apology.The crowd went wild when the fight got spicy girls showing their support for her screaming dumb shitty stuff
"Not a fan of using hands huh" I said rubbing my chin.
"Nah to lazy to even uses them" she said trying to land a kick but I blocked it.She kept landing hard kicks on me & I'm trying my best to dodge every single hit.
"C'mon fight back buddy" she said,I stared at her standing her punches,*yes perfect she finally used her fist's*I thought,she kept blocking my attacks to avoid any damage getting me really pumped up.
"You know you're quite amusing,still standing to my fighting skills,but you finally bored me out sorry to end it this way" she said making me confused,I felt a sharp hit when i realized she kicked me on the nuts.The pain made it hard for me to stand that made me fall on the floor.
"Sorry to do that to you tsundere boy but i had to finish the fight....so....I win!!" She said cheerfully turning her back at us leaving the gym waving at us lazily.The crowd screamed for her victory while chifuyu ran up to me helping me stand.
"Chifuyu" I said.
"Yes baji-san?" He asked.
"She's really interesting" I said smiling through the pain.

Hi babies & i'm back again with another chapter,tbh i was on hiatus that's why I haven't been updating been busy at school since it's already face to face & my health conditions are really hitting me hard,please chat me or leave a comment for any concerns about this story oh & go add my fb fan acc{Kokonoi's Kash}to read some Tokyo revengers manga chapters that i post,& you're author will be adding some background music for every chapter that's I post so leave a comment if you have bgm suggestions,that is all thank you for reading my dear babies💙💙💙love lots from you're very handsome/pretty author💙💙.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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