part two

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since bread was dead, the only one left was an alien. Alien wasnt happy about breads death, he was really sad and still almost every night cried himself to sleep. But he knew he had to move on one day, so that was on his to-do list


1. Find a new bread

He was really sad that he had to move on but he knew it had to happen. The old bread problably wouldve wished that he would find a new bread.

He was really scared that he woulnt find one or if he does then it would be a bad one. His old bread was perfect, it was sweet, a bit crunchy but soft at the same time. They spent a lot of time together and replacing it would be one of the hardest things.

He went out daily looking for a new bread. He looked everywhere. From parks to inside of people shoes. But he couldn't find one... until one day he went to visit his old breads grave and he saw someone there... it was his old bread crying next to its own grave

alien x breadМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя