Chapter One: Potter

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There was a cat, on a wall. The cat was a tabby with markings around its eyes that looked exactly like glasses. The cat sat very still. The only movement was when it blinked. Suddenly, a man was there, he had silvery-blue robes and hair and a beard that fell all the way down to his waist. He was a very curious man. One thing about him though, was for certain, he would never be welcome at Privet Drive. Which just happens to be, where our story starts.

"Fancy seeing you here Minerva." The man in robes said to the cat. He looked around to try and find it, but all there was, was a stern woman in black robes and glasses that looked exactly like the markings around the cat's eyes. "H-how did you know it was me?" Spluttered the woman called Minerva. "My dear lady," the man said, "What real cat would be sat here in the dead of night doing nothing?" The lady sighed.

"Is it true then? All the stories?" She murmured worriedly.

"Afraid so." He replied. The lady let out a sob and pulled out a handkerchief, she looked truly distraught. "And the boy? Is he dead too? I've so many questions, but. How?" Minerva McGonnigal looked up praying silently to the man for answers. None came. "What shall we do Albus?" Minerva fretted as she paced the street, "I mean it is so far fetched!"

"Calm Minerva," Albus Dumbledore whispered calmly, "And please keep your voice down." She glared at him but didn't say anything, as she knew he was right.

"And no, by some phenomenon, the boy survived but..." McGonnigal gasped and cut him off to say, "So how will he be getting here Albus?"She got no answer again, which surprised her, as Dumbledore usually answered her questions. "Hello?" She said, slightly exasperated. Still no reply. Then, out of nowhere, "Now where is Hagrid? He should have arrived by now!" Dumbledore scratched his head and looked around.

"Hagrid!" Minerva wailed, then she immediately covered her mouth, "Oops, sorry Albus. don't ... you can't mean to say that you trust Hagrid of all people with 'this' job?"

"I would trust Hagrid with my life. And talking of him here he is now!"

A roaring came from overhead and down came... a motorcycle. Not just any motorcycle though, a flying one. The man on the vehicle was massive, with a shaggy beard and beetle-black eyes, he looked far to big to be allowed. "Hagrid. At last." Dumbledore sighed and patted the man on the back. " Do you have the children? Are they safe?

I got 'em here professor and, as gentle as a soft breeze, Hagrid held out two, very different, children. So small and unique that you could never have guessed that they were twins.

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