Chap 3

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This is phase 2

{"Excellent work! you pass!"

                                                                                                "Who are your parents?"}


Menchi our second examiner explained what to do and she dismissed us and we all ran off to get pork 'ugh I hate cooking but I'm definitely good at it.'

All the applicants go to a field-like area with a bunch of pigs and everyone starts screaming as pigs chase them 'Aren't these Great Stamps? Their forehead!' I thought to myself "Gon, Killua! go for their foreheads!" I shout to the boys as I knock one out by hitting its forehead

The boys nod and go for their heads as everyone else catches on and does the same I drag my pig up to my station 'Hmmmm... I'll make something good- I think...' I think not fully confident in my cooking

I start to roast the pig over the fire it wasn't too hot, it cooked for about 15 minutes till it was good and I cut it up into pieces and I thought 'oooo! some rice would go well with this!' I start making rice

I finish the rice and put it on the same plate as the pork and I sigh 'here goes nothing...' I think as I walk up to Menchi and Buharah "Here is my plate." I announce formally as I sit it on the table both of their mouths practically start watering

Buharah starts eating it and Menchi takes a bite "Excellent work! You pass! As for the rest of you, you all Fail!" Menchi yells and I look at the boys with a slightly sad face "if none of them pass then I refuse to." I say standing my ground 

"sorry kid we already passed you no backing down now." Menchi says to me looking at me in confusion. "well damn, that sucks because in not passing without my friends, so if you don't pass them I'm leaving before you can give me any proof I am a hunter." I say slightly annoyed 'gosh can't she just pass them?'

I see an old man suddenly appear out of thin air I notice that he actually came out of an airship but I shrug it off as the old man and menchi start talking. she says she isn't qualified to be an examiner and etc.

He talks to her and I notice he looks at her chest for a split second so I fold my arms over my chest slightly uncomfortable, "To split mountain we go!" Menchi yells as my mind is just wandering

We get on the old man's blimp and we go to split mountain but when we get there I lay on the ground and close my eyes since I don't have to do it "Why hello there young lady!" The old man says to me I open my eyes to see he is hovering over top of me "Hello" I say

"What's your name?" He asks "Y/n, Y/n L/n" I respond "What a nice name! you can call me Netero!" He says "Nice to meet you Netero" I answer "I have a question for you Y/n," Netero says "Ask away" I respond

"Who are your parents?" Netero asks me I automatically feel shivers down my spine and I said "Oh I don't know-" "Ok but do you know F/n or M/n?" he asks I sweat, "Ok fine yes I do they are my parents!" I blurt out sweating as all the years of memories come back (M/n=Mothers name F/n=Fathers name)

Flashback (ABUSE ⚠) 

I was playing with my brother on the front porch when we hear the sound of our parent's old car, we rush into the house and into our rooms not wanting to be caught. I hear the door open and I sit on my fucked-up, stained bed 

"B/N!! Come here now!!" I hear my mother yell for my brother I hear my brother's door open and footsteps as I listen in on their conversation. "I saw you playing with your bitch ass sister. don't worry she gonna get this too." I hear my mother say  'oh no..' I think

I hear the sounds of my brother being hit by my mother knowing that would happen to me too I start tearing up and then eventually crying and I sit on my bed curled up after a while I hear my name being yelled "please no, please no..." I say quietly as I get up

End of flashback

I start tearing up remembering the awful things that happened I feel Netero sit next to me and rub my back comforting me I look at him "Why do you ask?" I ask him 

"you looked a lot like them I saw them on the news where they died from the fire.." he says "I know you miss them-" he continued but automatically got cut off by me 

"Miss them?! I hate them they killed my brother and abused us!" I snap and I realize what I said and I covered my mouth "Did they really?" Netero asked shocked that the family he thought was perfect would do such a thing I just plainly nodded

"I will leave you alone for now." Netero says as he walks away I continue sitting there collecting my thoughts after a bit I hear"Hey Y/n!!" Killua yelled I turned to look at him "Yess??" I ask

"Do you want a bite? it's really good!" Killua asks I smile and nod "Sure!" I smile and take the egg he was holding and I take a bite out of it "wow it really is good!!" I say smiling I see his face turn a light pink and I hand him the egg back

he sits next to me "What were you and the old man talking about?" Killua asks I laugh at the name and he joins in but soon after we quit and I answer him "He was asking about if I knew some people." he nods and continues eating 

after he's done eating they call everyone to get on the blimp and we do and we take off we find Gon and we sit at a window seat and look at the city lights "Killua... I was wondering, your parents.. what are they?" Gon asks

"They're alive, Probably." killua responds I tune them out to look at the beautiful scenery "Y/n, what are your parents?" gon asks 'the one question I've been dreading..'  I think to myself and I sigh

"They died and I hate them. simple." I respond they both look at me slightly confused "They died in a house fire a year or two ago I was the only one to escape. they abused me and my brother." I said hopefully to clear up the confusion which it did 

"Sorry, that happened.." Gon said "Don't be sorry gon! it wasn't your fault" I respond "Yea I know but you shouldn't have had to go through that!" Gon exclaims with his fist clinched I look down and giggle 

"yea I agree I could have helped my parents escape but I didn't." I say "I wouldn't see why you would save them." Killua said "But what about your brother?" Gon asked obviously curious not meaning harm

 "oh, my parents killed- him." I try to say without my voice cracking and showing that I'm crying behind my hair "oh..." gon and killua say at the same time. I suddenly stand up "I'm going to bed." I say looking down. 

"Ok goodnight!" gon says trying to boost the mood "Night." killua says I go to the empty room and lay down as I wipe my tears 'ugh I'm tired..' I think as I drift off to sleep

Hey, author here nice to see ya I have a question am I moving too fast with the story? Anyways thanks for the 46 views!! Stay safe and drink water or I will find you...

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