Chapter 2

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When I wake up I see a guy in ( you know what mitch looks like) he smiles at me and walks over. I go to get away and realize I'm tied to a chair. Great I thought. He looked at me sorrowfully and said "yea we didn't want you to freak out too much when you woke up. So" "yea I get it tie a girl that you kidnapped to a chair so she doesn't freak out too much makes perfect sense. " I said sarcastically. I looked down to try and concentrate on getting the ropes off my hands. He called to who I'm guessing are the others. As soon as they where all in the room I had gotten the set of ropes that where on my hands off. I didn't want them to know so I held the ropes in my hands to make it look like they are still tied. They all looked at me and talked to each other while I untied the ropes on my legs. They all introduced themselves to me. " look I know that we kidnapped you and all but there's a good reason why ok?" Sky said. I could run when I wanted I just needed the right time to." We kidnapped you because we heard what happened to you and we wanted to help so we brought you here so we help" it was then I realized that I was kidnapped by team crafted. In shock I dropped the ropes and revealed that I was free but I was still in shock. They stared in amazement. I just smirked and stood up and said" I was kidnapped by team crafted while I was running away from what was also the same reason I was kidnapped. " they all just nodded their heads some still shocked that I escaped." Well thank you but I will just be a burden if you keep me here. So I'm going to grab my stuff and go" I said while walking up the stairs. I eventually heard a bunch of running behind me while I was looking for my stuff. I suddenly feel arms wrap around me and I suddenly felt safe and relaxed. Like for once in my life I didn't have to worry about Ms.Britch or my family or the other kids at the orphanage or even about me being stuck in some famous people's house for the rest of my life. I then heard a voice call for the rest but I couldn't quit make it out. I was suddenly turned around quickly to be met with my holders face. It was.........


Who was the person who's arms Emily felt so calm in you can choose then find out next week. And until next time see ya my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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