Chapter 8 - The Inquisitor Continued

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"Now look here old man, they are asking those very same questions, but the majority of them agree, the disadvantages of global warming outweigh by far the advantages."

"You know I had a very similar problem like this a while ago." Galileo said. "One group of scientists contended that the sun revolves around the Earth. You would have called this one of your beloved 'consensuses'. I was able to prove that indeed the earth revolves around the sun.

"My compatriots and I were a minority, but I prevailed because I had science on my side. I simply showed them facts, which clearly showed causation, or in this case that the earth actually revolves around the sun and not vice versa -- and more importantly, I proved that it could definitely not be the other way. I disproved their theory.

"It was not a popular observation, but because the science was sound, there was nothing else anyone could do. It was like laying out four stones on the table and saying two and two make four. You see my friend, when you have real proof like this, you don't need a consensus, or any other authority argument.

"So here we are now looking at this graph, and trying to extrapolate a meaning from it. Much like my astrologer compatriots, the most respected scientists of their time, they would plot out the motion of the planets with astonishing accuracy. Beautiful charts were drawn.

"And when the planets were all aligned on the chart, for example when Mars was aligned with Saturn, they would announce, 'Mars is aligned with Saturn, it is a favorable time for war!' Upon which I of course asked, 'Why so?' And always came the answer, 'Because Mars is the god of war you fool!'

"Of course this was absolute rubbish. But these are the kind of educated fools I had to compete against, and constantly defend myself. But math, and real science never let me down, so I continued without fear, knowing I was right.

"You see, once you contend to have a monopoly on the truth, you are no longer speaking science; you are speaking religion, and belief systems."

"Look old man, we've got to do something!"

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