How did all started

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Alekai, better known as Alek.
Age: unknown
Magic (Element): Fire, learns wandless magic and wields magic with a wand perfectly.
Race: Elf
Gender male
Personality: moody, treats everyone differently, icy attitude towards everyone he doesn't know, keeps a stony expression, doesn't show his emotions most of the time.


Alekai was born in Tailtop Village where he lived until he was 7 years old. Then, because of a big fire in the woods, he and his family had to go to a town called Firgove, where he lived until he was 15 years old.
His family died when he was 10 years old. In those 5 years, he learned to hide his elf ears, he wears a mask because of the people around him, but he can pull out his elf ears at any time. He learned to ride a horse around the age of 12-13 and has now been riding professionally for a year. He is currently 16 years old and travels around the world. He mostly wears the color black, due to the death of his parents. He has been friends with Bagi since childhood. She lived in the same forest, unfortunately she and her family moved away earlier and he hasn't seen her since he was 4 years old, he is still searching for the girl and looking for his closest person, hoping that she is still alive.

Garnet, known as Gar:

Age: unknown
Gender: gelding
Breed : American Paint Horse (APH)
Personality: icy approach to everyone he doesn't know, cuddly


Gar grew up in Tailtop Village as well, unfortunately as a foal he and his herd went to other forests, along the way a few horses from the herd died because they were captured. After that, he and his older sister finally made it to the abandoned farm in Forgotten Fields alive and unharmed, where his sister died, as she was seriously injured during the escape. After 7 years on the run from people, he ran into Alek and decided to spend the rest of his life with him. They have a good relationship and a good bond with Alek, let's say they are inseparable.

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