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I'm tired and just woke up 😭

3rd person 》

Cody called Noah over to his house to watch All Stars, it was near the last episode and Cody wanted to watch the rest of it to see who would win even though Noah said All Stars is crap

 ( it is ) 

But Noah came over anyways since he'd wanted to hang out anyways with him. In a totally straight heterosexual way. Yep.

Noah got out of the car and opened an umbrella, of course it had to be raining. He closed the car door and walked up to Cody's house and knocked. Cody answered the door not even a few seconds after Noah had knocked. 

" Sup Noah! " Cody said while trying to lean onto the doorframe trying to seem ' cool '. It wasn't working. " Move out of the way and cmon " Noah hissed annoyed and dragged along Cody inside. " Sheesh what has you so worked up today " Cody said which Noah responded with a glare. 

Noah scoffed and sat down, " Well first of I'm being forced to sit here and watch this poor excuse of a show. ". " ok well you aren't being forced and it is a good show! " Cody exclaimed and pouted. 

Noah rolled his eyes and said, " OK well my hair is damp, it's raining cats and dogs out there, and-". " ITS RAINING CATS AND DOGS?! "  Cody ran outside waiting to be greeted with a bunch of cats and dogs like he was promised,  but was instead greeted with a bunch of rain.

Cody sprinted inside and slammed the door, he glared at Noah with his soaked hair mostly covering his face.  " You seriously didn't understand the metaphor? " Noah raised an eyebrow at Cody, holding in a chuckle.

Cody scoffed and stomped over to his room to get changed and to dry off. Noah layed down taking up the whole couch. When Cody got back he glared at Noah, " Noah move over. ". " No I don't think I will " Noah smirked and closed his eyes, until he felt someone lay down on him.

 " Well if you won't move I will lay on you! " Cody exclaimed and grinned, Noah blushed and tried to get Cody off, but failed and eventually gave up.

They watched the final episode of All Stars, Cody fell asleep in the middle of it and Noah got intrigued in the show. When it ended Noah was about to get up, but realized Cody had fell asleep on him. Noah sighed and layed down , he grabbed the nearest blanket and covered Cody and him.

He then closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep also.

《 Time skip to morning 》

Cody woke up to a nice warmth, he didn't bother to try and get up. Not like he had anything to do. He then remembered last night and opened his eyes, he was on top Noah cuddling him like a sloth. 

This is the 6th time Cody you gotta stop this.

Cody then heard a click, he looked up and saw Izzy taking pictures of them. Cody got up quickly and chased her. " HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE IZZY?!? ". " YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW !!! MWAHAHAHA! "

Noah got up tired, he looked around to see Cody on top of Izzy trying to get the camera away from her. This is the 6th time. 

That's all cause I had no plot so I just made it up as I went.

As I said I just woke up so I'm tired and this is kinda noco I guess

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