Chapter 1- Introduction

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Hi, and welcome to the Life of a Highschooler. My name's Summer White and I'm 15. My life as a highschooler has been trash so far, but it'll get better...hopefully.

In this school, my class is the second most annoying. We're divided into groups here. We've got the loners, the mature ones, the immature ones, the annoying gossip girls, the 'nice' gossip girls, the gangsters, the geeks, the loners who love reading, the loners who know everything and SO MUCH MORE. I've never really liked this school and I've only been here for 2 terms. The 3 main mean girls are Niki, Nickola and Jamie. They're like the mean girls but worse. To me, Nickola is the worst. She's the stuck up brat that thinks that every boy from the gangster group wants her and she's not the best looking. Niki's just that one spoiled girl that everyone thinks is annoying. Jamie's just... Jamie. I have a few friends but only 2 best friends in this escuse of a school. Oh right, let me explain each group.

The loners- This is self explanatory. This group includes the kids who just want to be alone.

The mature ones- This group involves the kids who actually act their age and don't really cause trouble. They're like the parents of the class

The immature ones- Just a group of spoiled 13-16 year olds who act like they're 10.

The annoying gossip girls- The annoying girls who just... annoy you to your grave. They're spoiled as well.

The "nice" gossip girls- They act like angels to teachers but are actually devil's.

The gangsters- A bunch of people (mostly boys) who swear they're rich and highly respected or something.

The geeks- I really don't know what to say for this group, bit they're basically the smart but nice people.

The loners who love reading- The group that just never talk and always have their noses stuck in a good book.

The loners who know everything- The quiet but deadly people who know everything about everyone and just never say anything, but when you anger them, you're gonna get exposed.

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