Writing out of Spite

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Season 2 has many flaws but one of them is the way the characters keep comparing Baddy to the cadets for no reason. Also Baddy's absolutely butchered but that's a topic for another day.

Author's notes:

•This takes place after Baddy has to get his jet fixed in his house; instead of going to Caving Cavern (or however it’s called), he tries to take Trini somewhere else.

•Brody’s absent because I couldn’t think of a way to include him. I guess he has a day off or something, he’s not really relevant.

“So, you’re taking me to…another canyon?” Trini asked, looking at the orange-tinted rock sculptures while Baddy flew in between them with his jet.

“Ohoho, no! I’m taking you somewhere way better.” Baddy answered. “That’s just the Big Jump canyon.”
“Why is it called that?”
“Eh, one of the rocks can kind of work as a ramp if you’d try to jump from it.” Baddy said, pointing at said ramp in front of them. “I could try to–”
“Oh, I bet Rod could jump through something like that!” Trini exclaimed, interrupting him. She pulled out her recorder. “Note to self; ask Rod if he could jump through Big Jump Canyon, and if he did it in the past.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Baddy scoffed, rolling his eyes. “But could he ever– do this?”

He twisted his jet’s control wheel by almost ninety degrees, causing it to go into a whirl. It was going smoothly for the first few turns around its axis, but then when Baddy tried to stop it, the wheel got blocked and the Bat Wing started flying straight into the canyon’s wall. He managed to redirect it at the last second, causing the plane to fly into a small crack in the wall that it probably wouldn’t fit to if sheer luck wasn’t by their side. They slowed down whilst flying into a more closed off, new area, but still crashed into a wall, completely damaging the jet’s front. Trini was thrown forward a bit, but was otherwise okay, while Baddy got thrown out of his seat, bounced off the wall, and landed face down into a puddle of water on the ground.

After the initial shock of what happened was over, Trini breathed out and got out of the broken jet.

“I’m…guessing that this wasn’t supposed to happen.” She stated, looking around. “What is this place, though? Is this where you wanted to take me?”

Baddy lifted his face up from the water, both to avoid drowning and to look around, and got up when he got a better idea of his surroundings.

They landed in a massive cave, which was full of fungi and other similar organisms that he didn’t know the name of. An inner river was right next to where they crashed, and initially, Baddy thought it was purple, but it turned out to just be full of some sort of algae. The cave didn’t have any sources of sunlight besides the crack they flew through, but many - if not all - of the fungi species were glowing in some capacity.

He had no idea where they were. In the three years he spent on the Island, he had never seen or heard of this place.

“Uh, I– Yeah, of course! This is exactly where I wanted to take you, just– without the crash landing, that is.”

“It’s so great! I’ve never heard of it before.”

“Yeah, it was, um… a lil’ secret of mine till now.” Baddy chuckled, hiding his hands into his pockets. “No one else knows about it– not even the cadets!”

“Really? Not even them?” Trini asked, to which Baddy nodded. 

“Well, then it’s going to make the cover of my new book for sure!” She stated, turning away from him in order to explore the cave more.

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