Chapter 1: A Detectiv'es love for the Green Man

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Amelia Watson was a streamer for Hololive, owneed by japan company Cover Corp. SHe was a vtuber which meant that she streamerd with anime girl avatar. However cove3r corp is very strict and isn't happy with their vtubes dating people who are competitiors to their goals, aka other streamers.

However one day when looking for funny minecraft videos, Amelia Watson came across a video by this funny man named Dream.

She instantly fell in love, he was so funny and so good at minecraft, he was so cool.

Amelia: omg I love him

But she remembered how cover corp does not like her dating other streamers, so she entered depression.

She decided to sign onto twitter and followd him anyways, maybe he will notie her.


Amelia woke up and looked at her Samsung Galaxy S20, and saw that she had one new message on twitter.

Amelia: Oh my god who is this!?!?!?!?!

One new message from Dream

Amelia screamed as she stared at her fone.

SHe checked the meessage.

Dream: omg im a huge fan, can we go on a date??

Amelia couldn't believe what she was seeing, Dream??? a fan of her???

She instantly responded

Amelia: yes please


Alright that was chapter 1, thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Peace out!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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Streamer Forbidden Love (Amelia Watson x Dream)Where stories live. Discover now