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Player woken up to the sound of his gasp. He notice that this was all a dream. Player sighed as he remember what happen in his dream. "It's just a dream, right?" He thought. "I don't have an older brother."

Or so he thought.... 

Nurse Mint-leaves: Oh, you are awake. How are you feeling?

Player: (groggily) Uhh... I don't know, I just woke up from a dream.

Nurse Mint-leaves: Ok. But great, because you have visitors.

Player: Visitors? (shocked) Oh my god! How long was I was asleep?!

Nurse Mint-leaves: 10 hours and 30 minutes.

Player: (calming down) Oh my.. I have slept for so long. 

Nurse Mint-leaves: Yep. And are you ok to have visitors, now? It's early visiting hour and it will end at 10:00 am.

Player: Well... (yawns) I guess I don't have a choice. Ok.

Just then, the Nurse walked out the door to the waiting area to see Captain, Veteran and Dum on the benches. They stop and stare as the nurse walked towards them.

Doctor Mint-leaves: Are you Player's visitors?

Dum (Jessica): Yes, we are.

Veteran: How is he? 

Doctor Mint-leaves: He just woken up but he wants to see you all.

Captain: Yay! We are coming Player!

Captain dashed towards the hospital room and slam into the door, which shocked Player. Veteran and Dum walked behind him.

Captain: (overjoyed) Player! (comes to hug Player) You are alive and well! How are you doing?

Player: (suffocating by the hug) Stop... I can't breathe.

Captain: Oh, sorry. I'm just excited to see you. (lets go of Player) Man, bestie. You scared me last night, but I'm glad to see you doing ok now. 

Just then, Veteran and Jessica walked into the room, happy to see that their friend is ok.

Dum (Jessica): Hey there, bro.

Veteran: Hi Player.

Player: Dum, Veteran, you are all here to see me.

Dum (Jessica): Yep, we are here for you. No matter what. 

Veteran: How are you feeling now, Player?

Player: Well, my fever seems to drop down and I have a bit of sore throat.

Veteran: Glad to hear, man.

Dum (Jessica): So Nurse, how is he now?

Nurse Mint-leaves: Well, since his fever is dropping down and his throat is getting better, I think it's a good chance that James will leave this afternoon. We just need to make sure that he is doing well. I will give you some time alone. (leaves the room)

Player: Wow, I can't believe it. I'm actually going back home.

Captain: That is good news, bestie! Soon you can come back to play Among us with us again.

Everyone cheered until Veteran notice that Player is looking a bit down.

Veteran: What's wrong, Player?

Player: (notices Veteran) Oh.. I'm fine, thank you. It's just that.. I had a weird dream last night when I was sick yesterday. I met this ghost named Green and he showed me some harmless, crystal clear whirlpools. I later found out that we both shared the same last and middle name. I asked if he was my brother but I woke up before he can responded. I thought if he is actually my brother but it's just a lucid dream, I think.

Captain: Wow! That was cool but confusing, bestie. Right babe, babe?

They turned to Dum who was shocked and confused. Soon, Dum started to tear up, much to everyone's shock.

Player: (shocked) Sis! Are you ok? Is there something wrong?

Captain: Oh no! I'm sorry about that, is it something I say?!

Dum (Jessica): (sobbing quietly) It's not that Captain. (turns to Player) Player.. I wanted to tell you this for a long time..

Veteran: What is it?

Dum (Jessica): (wiping away tears but still sobbing quietly) Player... 

we have an older brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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