Daemon Targaryen - The Dragon Wedding

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(A/N: this one is a bit of a slow burn)

Today was the day. The day I was getting married to a man I had never actually met. A man who had been arranged for me, simply to heighten my family's stance in the realm. Being a Velaryon had never seemed a bad thing to me, until now.

Daemon Targaryen was a prince, it was a true honor to be marrying him, but I didn't care. Fuck honor. Fuck status. The only stories I'd ever heard of Daemon were stories of terror. He had been known to take trips to the pits of Kings Landing often, rounding up cutpurses, gamblers, thieves, anyone he could get his hands on really. Crime rates certainly dropped, but only because there was no criminals left. A peaceful city, ruled by Lord Flea Bottom.

I sat in a chamber in the red keep, surrounded by handmaidens, all poking and prodding at every bit of my body. My white hair was wound into a large braid, stray strands of hair falling by my face. My eyes secured themselves on the dress hanging on the wall . The off white fabric flowed in the breeze, bits of metal decorated the sleeves, the bodice, and the bottom hem. It was a beautiful dress, but perhaps for someone else. Someone innately elegant, breathtakingly beautiful. But that wasn't me.

When my hair was done, decorated with silver ornaments dangling from my braid, I walked to the folding screen, handmaidens following closely behind with my dress. I stood in my underclothes, letting them undo all the strings before carefully stepping in, situating it over my body. The fabric felt uncomfortable on my skin, noticing all the places it was touching more than usual. I fiddled with the ends of my sleeves as the handmaidens did up my dress, pulling it tight as it would go before knotting it, setting down a pair of shoes in front of me.

I stepped into them, one of the handmaides put a silver dragon head necklace around my throat, gently tugging, clipping it together before adjusting it so it sat right. I took a deep breath, before walking from the secluded area, standing by the large mirror. I took in my appearance for the first time, taking note of all the bits I didn't like. The way my hips sat too wide. My shoulders too broad, my jaw too soft, my nose too big, and my eyes too small. Perhaps I wouldn't have to marry Daemon. Perhaps he takes one look at me and runs off.

The handmaidens placed a thin veil on the crown of my head, decorated in the colors of my house, as custom. At the end of the ceremony, it will be replaced with one decorated with Daemons colors. Not that it was bad, red and black were more appealing than silver and sea green. I always hated sea green.

The two doors to the chambers were opened, a procession of knights stood in the hall, all lined up, looking straight on. I sighed, taking a step into the hallway, waiting to be escorted to the throne room. The walk was long, but waiting outside those doors for the ceremony to start felt like an eternity. My father came to me, standing beside me, linking his arm with mine.

But soon enough, (and all too soon, I realized) the doors were opening, and I could see a faint glimpse of a man standing at the end of the aisle. Though I knew it was Daemon, that fact could have easily been lost on me. He just looked like any normal man, beside the white hair. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but my expectations were definitely subverted. My father slowly started walking to Daemon, pulling me to follow with him, my heart beating out of my chest with each step I took, but before I knew it, I was standing there, in front of him.

The septon started his speech, which seemed to drag on, but finally, a strip of fabric was held up, Daemon and I putting our hands together, as the septon began to speak his final words.

"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words" My breath hitched in my throat as I turned to face Daemon and say my words.

House of the Dragon Smut/ One Shots (Game Of Thrones)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt