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Wangkyu's POV

I've been working hard since then. I chase my dreams nonstop. I study and work nonstop to the point I abuse my body. I somehow managed to reach it and was able to debut and release an album, but it got all went in vain.

Here I am, in my room, dying alone, but instead of panicking, I'm reflecting on my life. I didn't have the chance to make any friends. I didn't even date anyone. Fuck, this is so embarrassing. I bet the headlines for tomorrow's news will be "A nugu soloist died due to overwork."

If I have to live again, I'll do everything to live a lazy life, but I guess this is the end.

I closed my eyes, and I accepted my fate.

After a while, I heard a faint noise. I felt my body lying on a cloud or something soft and comfortable. I could also hear birds chirping. It was so peaceful.

I felt warmness on my face, warm as the sun's rays. Warmness that I've wanted to feel,

I opened my eyes curiously, and an unfamiliar place welcomed me. The ceiling is strange, and it's too extravagant, things you can only see in a palace. The sun shone beautifully through the window.

I stood, holding my head because it hurt as hell. Then a woman and little kid rushed in, and worries were very evident on their face.

"Young lord, are you okay? Does it hurt? Should I call the family's doctor?" the woman was panicking.

"Get out!!!" I screamed. Then they both went out as if it was very normal for them.

I stood and tried to analyze my situation. Young lord, who? Where is this place? Who are those people? My head was full of questions.

I looked at my hands, and it shocked me that it was small. It was a hand of kids around 12- 13 age. I rushed towards the mirror. I gasped hard, and It was me when I was a kid. How did this happen? I do not remember this place tho.

My head hurts about what's happening to me right now. I need to collect information. I opened the door and went outside, searching for a person I could ask.

I saw the kid who entered the room a while ago, and he's swinging a sword. I observe him a little before I approach him. Asking a kid is the best. He won't suspect a thing, and it seems like he knows this body's owner very well.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a while?" I asked, but he got startled. He seemed scared of me but still managed to bow and formally greet me.

"Yes, young lord," he said while still lowering his head.

"What's your name first?" I asked, but his expression changed from being scared to sad. I guess he was disappointed. Well, who wouldn't when someone forgot your name?

"Jaden, young lord," he said while fidgeting his hands.

"What's my name? My full name to be exact," I ask, then he immediately raises his head, meeting my eyes.

He looked like he had a lot of questions to ask, but he suppressed himself, " Young lord, your name is David Pendragon, the only child of Duke Ian Pendragon and the next Duke of the house pendragon," He said.

I continued to ask things. I learned that the owner of this body's mother passed away when he gave birth to him, and our position as a noble is on the verge of falling. Our house is suffering from bankruptcy and military power.

Also, I am now certain that I got reincarnated in a novel that I read before. The Rise of the 2nd Prince is the name of the novel. It was one of my favorite novels, but I read it when I was still in school, so the information I know isn't that sufficient. I vaguely remember most of the content. But one thing I know is the owner of this body got corrupted and became a notorious villain. He then died in the hands of the 2nd prince because he became a threat to the entire kingdom and made the citizens' lives miserable.

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