Chapter 1

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Through the lens there lays a world of perfection. With focus, flash and that satisfying snap, capturing the world into one single photo, having the perfect shadow color and the world coming into one. I'm still 16 but I have always had a talent for photography, well at least that's what Chiron says (ugh, satyrs). I have been taking pictures before I could walk so I know a thing or two about snapping shots. My best friend Annabeth has always said I was OCD, but that's different than trying to capture the perfect picture. Isn't it??

I was walking home from school with my brand new Canon 100D portable camera when I felt hot fingers on my shoulder and the comforting smell of motor oil.


He appears next to me and flashes me his signature smirk, that used to make me melt in the inside, like hot chocolate, but I got over it (kinda). It's probably been 6 months since Leo came and rescued me from my cursed island Ogygia (thanks a lot Zeus). Anyways my hot yet annoying boyfriend Leo encloses me in a kiss before I could blink trying to capture this annoying moment of PDA I took a quick snap of us and wrapped my fingers around his dark, tussled hair, before this could get even more heated I pull away to catch my breath and feel my self starting to blush. I look into Leo's eyes and feel my self reach for my camera and tried to resist the urge, but took the picture anyways. I looked at it and wondered how he could have looked so perfect in a single snap.

In May on my birthday, Leo gave me the best present yet.

A golden camera, made of Imperial Gold. I was so surprised and so happy I couldn't breathe for at least a minute. I still have the camera in my Celestial Bronze chest (that Leo also made me). So anyways I get out my Polaroid and snap a quick picture of us. It printed out a small picture with a floral patterned frame, the one Annabeth gave to me on my birthday. Leo snatches the picture from my hand and smiles at the picture.

" Do I have something on my face ?" I asked, teasingly.

"No it's just that you're so beautiful I was speechless for about a few minutes." He said, starting to blush.

I grabbed the picture and slowly and carefully place it in my satchel and started to walk to CHB for my morning archery lesson with the Demeiter Cabin.

Through The Lens Of A Goddess Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang