「Cats and Coffee」

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Last time:"heading to his car getting inside and starting is so he can meet his friends."

Jay POV:
I got in the car and started the engine I thought about which song I wanted to play but I couldn't decide so I just put my playlist on shuffle and started listening while driving and my favorite song came on omg I love God's Menu by stray kids I started to sing like who wouldn't??

Still Jays POV:
Once I got to my favorite place I spot my best friends Molly and Kai their my childhood friends when I moved to America they were the only people how talked to me most of the time and I'm happy we stuck together all these years "hellooo you thereeee!!??" Molly asked guess I zoned out for to long oops "Haha yeah just space out again.."  I say " you sure you good you look so sleepy"Kai asked "AWWW my baby sleepy you need a nap??" I hate when Molly cans me her baby I'm not cute!! And why does she call me that in public I told her not to , my face starts to heat up from the embarrassment " HAHA it's so easy to make you so flustered "   "Molly I think that's enough plus look at you , you resemble a cute baby more then Jay " thank god Kai is here or else Molly would terrorize me with compliments " NO I DONT!! My girlfriend will hear about this" oh yeah her girlfriend she's more smaller then Molly and is an introvert like me but she baby's Molly to much "omg can you stop snitching on us to you "mommy" Molly please??" I ask I want to talk to them ABOUT them not there lovers "Your just jealous you have no girlfriend" Molly said "You mean partner he's Bi"  again I'm glad Kai's here "wow you get no bitches" I look at Molly and say "can we go inside please I haven't ate at all day please"I use my puppy eyes on her she love my puppy eyes she think I look like a puppy
begging to get some snacks or at least that's what she said to me ".....fine but don't you ever use your cuteness to make me change my mind YOU HEAR?" I look at her once again and said yes

Then we start walking to the entrance to the cafe and I see my favorite cat at the shop don't tell mochi I said that ok?(HEY NO BREAK THE 4 WALLLL!! Jay:AHHHH IM SORRY!!!) but he's laying on the floor looking dead he always does this when he thinks I'm not going to the shop , once inside we sit at our usual spot , and wait for the waitress to come and give us our menu OMG I almost forgot they had coffee jelly TODAY AHHHHH IM GETTING THAT !!!! ok Jay calm down

The waitress came back to us a few minutes later, ready to take our orders  they spoke " Hi would you like today?"they said in a soft voice with a cute little smile on their face "Can I get ______ and_____  to go?"Of course Molly said that the second thing is probably for her gf "Oh and can I get _______ please?" Kai said "Ok and what about you  "miss"?" .....she didn't just say miss did she to me?.... she did.. "umm...sorry yo tell you but I'm a guy ,  and can I the coffee jelly please?" They looked at me with wide eyes "OMG I'm so so so sorry!!!" "It's ok I don't mind plus you don't know " I say smiling slightly "ok.. again I'm sorry and will that be all?" Yeah that's all"Kai said
"Ok I'll be back with your orders!:)"

As they walk of we start to talk about random stuff and after a little of waiting our food was here!:))"mmm~~" I say loving the food I'm my mouth like come on it's just so gooooddd!!
"Wow you really like that just as much as you like dic-" kai cut her off with a bonk on her head "language!! there's kids here!" "HAHAHHhahahah!! sOrry" she says still kind of laughing.

(Time skip)
After our meetup after a long time we decided it was enough for today and decided to bid each other goodbye before heading home on the way home I forgot my sweater and it was starting to get cold really fast not that long it was freezing cold but I still had a few turns to take to arrive at my house...

(Bet you're weren't expecting this!!!)
Man it was cold hope no one was out her without a sweate-..rrr just as I thought that I see someone smaller in the distance hugging themselves trying to get warmth from there hands sigh guess I'll give them one of mine plus they look cute wait no M/N stop you just saw them...

3rd person POV: A 6,0 foot tall guy approaches a guy not that smaller compared to him and asks "Hey you good? you look cold here , let me give you a sweater " and a few seconds later the smaller boy looked up and smiled at the man "Thanks I really needed this I was freezing " the smaller one said to the tall one "No prob you can keep it by the way I have way to many anyway oh and you look cute , bye bye cutie!" the taller one said walking away thinking he won't meet him again , in the meantime the smaller one was frozen again but not from the cold mostly because he was blushing like crazy {omg a hot guy just complemented me!?} the small one thinks now starting to run home to get there faster.

Word count:971 words

Authors note: WOW THIS ONE IS LOOONNGGG HOPE YOU WILL LIKE IT !!!! Anyway I see that 6 people read this and I'm freaking out. I thought no one was going to read this
and here we are six people looking at my monstrosity.
Word count with authors note:1020

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