Chapter 1

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"Bye Karma!" Gakushuu called out, walking down the driveway towards his car, off to work. Karma was wearing one of Gakushuu's work shirts, and closed the door while locking it, and letting out a shaky breath. 

"You're not alone, you know you can call Gakushuu if you feel scared." Karma reminded himself, grabbing a kitchen knife and going to the back door, and making sure it was locked. "Both doors are locked, now for the windows." 

Karma spent the next thirty minutes making sure every window and door was locked. "There, locked. No one can get in and kill me now. They don't have a key!" Karma laughed as he tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat.

'But they could break the window or door down with a weapon, Right?'  A voice in the back of his head told him. Karma shuddered at this thought, and gripped Gakushuu's shirt tighter, while still holding the knife.

Karma pressed his back against the wall, and held the knife out shaking  really badly. Karma sank to the floor, and started sobbing, terrified that Gakushuu wouldn't come back to him. 

Then his widened, teared filled eyes met the door, that was being unlocked. Karma, out of instinct, stood up and dashed himself to the closet, locking himself in there. Karma covered his mouth with his hand, pointing the knife at the door, still trembling.  

He heard footsteps outside the door stop, and gasped slightly, more tears pouring down his face. He heard the door unlock, and backed up into the corner.

Karma squeaked when the door opened, and closed his eyes, bracing himself for any pain.  Karma didn't feel any pain though, and looked at the door, to be met with a concerned Gakushuu. 

"Hey, Hey hey hey. Don't cry. It'll all be okay." Gakushuu embraced Karma in a hug. "What's the matter?" 

Karma sniffed, then sobbed more, letting Gakushuu pick him up. "I-I was alone." Karma choked out, while Gakushuu walked out of the closet. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" Karma held onto his husband, while cuddling himself closer, wrapped in a fluffy blanket.

"I-I was alone in the house. I was scared someone would come in and try to kill me, but then I heard you unlock the door. I-I got scared so I hid in the closet, thinking you where a serial killer." Karma explained, still trembling in the arms of the Strawberry Blonde.

"Oh Karma, why didn't you tell me? I would've taken an online job if you told me sooner." Karma smiled slightly, then turned his head to the left so he could Hear Gakushuu's heartbeat.

'See? Alive and well. Nothing can hurt me now.'  A voice told him, while he let sleep wash over him like a wave.

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