Delta prt 2- comfort

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- if he find you crying, he's going to be angry with whoever made you cry

- He would listen to what happened

- He would make a couple of jokes to make you smile

- If someone hurt you, he would ask if he should give them a piece of his mind (when he says it, you can't tell if he's joking or not)

- He's not used to physical affection so he'd probably not know that you need a hug. He'd might ask, but he hopes that it didn't sound like he was mocking you. If you ask for a hug, it's gonna be a little awkward for him since the only thing he ever gave a hug was a pack of detonators

- If you're having an anxiety attack, he would immediately help you with grounding techniques, such as breathing exercises or give you something sour to eat

- literally tell you sweet nothings

- If someone hurt you he swears to hunt them down

- if you're having an anxiety attack, he would guide you through breathing exercises or having you focus on one thing at a time

- If you're feeling down in the dumps, he'd tell you about his favorite hunts (only if you're okay with it)

- If You're hurt or going through something he'd be really worried about you but will have a hard time showing because he doesn't want to be seen as soft

- He would sit with you and listen to what's made you so sad

- He knows what to do when his brothers are upset, so he tries what works for them (like asking you if you want to go target practice, see if there's any trinket you'd wanna buy). If those don't work, he'd ask if you would like a hug. If you said yes, then he'd give you a side hug and pat your arm.

- If You're having an anxiety attack, then he'll guide you through some breathing exercises and give you something cold to hold, like ice

- if you're over stimulated, he'd put his helmet on your head and make it so that you can't hear the outside. He'd even let you know how to turn on the radio by looking at a specific corner and blinking a few times. He'd even disable all the extra info being displayed

- He'd ask what's wrong. He's a straightforward guy so he'd want to get the problem solved as quickly as he can

- If you're having an anxiety attack, he'd ask what's  going on while either giving you something cold to hold. It makes you confused at first because you think that he doesn't care, but then he points out that you're not panicking anymore and explains why holding something cold helps with anxiety attacks

- Fixing things is his hobby. It also helps him to calm down. He'd let you join him and you'd help each other. It's also how he lets you know that he cares about you

- He'd let you wear his helmet since it's noise cancelling. He would also teach you how to use it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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