chapter one

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L= Lev
Jj= jack Jones sm6
G= gavin
E= Emily
El= elliana
Je= jenna
N= Narrator
T= Tiffany/ pipers mom
H= hunter/the editor


L: Jentzen what the heck

J: what lev

L: you told piper you liked he

J: she told you

L: you told her not to tell me number one she's MY girlfriend number two your supposed to be my BESTFRIEND I can't with you right now

J: Lev I'm s-

L: Jentzen get out of my face  I'm warning you

J: Lev I'm sorry but I really like pi-

L: don't finish that sentence!

J:* gets in Lev's face and screams* I LIKE PIPER!

L:get out of my dang face Jentzen

J: no lev *stays in Levs face and screams* I LIKE PIPER AND THEIRS NO DANG THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT

L: *punches Jentzen in the face and screams* "заткнись дженцен"

N: *piper understands Russian and she walks in the room and says "Lev why are you being so mean to jentzen?" Jentzen turns around wich reveals his face to piper*

P: Lev what did you do to jentzen I mean look at his face!

N: *piper takes Jentzen into the bathroom and tells him to sit on the toilet *

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N: *piper takes Jentzen into the bathroom and tells him to sit on the toilet *

J: why did you tell him piper

N: *piper pulls out the first aid kit and wets a wash cloth*

P: Jentzen tell him what? Tilt your head back so I can wipe the blood of your chin.

J: * tilts his head back * you told Lev that I liked you

P:*wipes blood off of Jentzen * because he is my boyfriend I tell him every thing

J: so if you cheated on him you whould tell him

P: Metaphorically yes but I would never do that

N:* Jentzen leans in and kisses piper

P: what was that for jentzen you realize that I tell lev every thing

J: but you don't have to

P: I suggest that you keep your Mouth shut about my relationship inless you want to get punched in the face

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