chapter two

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L= Lev
Jj= jack Jones sm6
G= gavin
E= Emily
El= elliana
Je= jenna
N= Narrator
T= Tiffany/ pipers mom
H= hunter/the editor
Ir= Irena/ levs mom


The girls left lev had spent the day at pipers house

P: I'm going to levs house mom

T: NO your not

P: you said earlier today I'm old enough to make my own choices

T: that was before I knew you got S*XUAL with Lev in the bed after I left this morning

P: please please please mom


P: yes

T: but their is a catch if you are going to spend the night you must text me take these birth control pills with you I can't control what Lev is gonna wanna do and don't flim its bad for your reputation if people mostly their parents find out you've been sleeping with Lev

P: ok mom will do

N: * piper got in the jeep and drove to Levs house he was waiting for her outside *

P: LEV!!

L: you literally just saw me like three hours ago but your acting like you haven't seen me in three years

P: that's because I love you and can't go with a kiss from you every hour

L: wow you love me that much

P: you now it

L: * just smiles *

P: can I spend the night

L: of course how else whould I give you those hickys that you order this morning

P:* laughs * I don't know

L: let's go inside

P: hi Irena

Ir: hello piper

L: mom piper is staying the night ok 

Ir: ok Lev but I don't want to wake up at night to moaning

L: yes mama

Ir: behave

P: we will

Ir: good you better

In Levs room

N: *piper through her bag in the closet and layed on Lev's bed with him *

L: come here babe

P: coming

N: * piper comes ot of Lev's bathroom in a beautiful short white nightgown *

L: now thats what I like

P: good

N: * Lev started kissing all over pipers body not one spot had not been touched buy his lips *

P: I like this let's do this more often

L: yeah we should * then starts kissing pipers body again*

N:* Irena walks in the room into Lev kissing pipers body *

Ir: I don't even want to know

L: out mama

Ir: no problem

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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