The Skywalker's

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I don't know who pov's I will do it mostly will be Rex and Ahsoka and random at times. Also read my chapters on my old series Hi again, Hi again part 2, Koon and Shak Ti Household, Koon and Shak Ti Household part 2.

Ahsoka pov:

It was the start of High School. Anakin, my brother is a junior, he is a star athlete in football, basketball, and baseball. Every girl adores him for some reason, but he has a girlfriend Padme. Padme and he have been together for 3 years. I love Padme. She is sweet, smart, brave, strong-willed, and loyal. When I first met her it was when Anakin and her were going to a fair. She rang the doorbell and my brother, Obi-Wan opened the door and introduced himself. Then my parents Shimi and Qui-Gon said hello to her and she got to me. I found her brown eyes sparkly, she saw me and said "I love your blue and white hair." She was kind enough to invite me on the date with Anakin. I had so much fun that day.

I live in Coursanct with my two brothers Obi-Wan and Anakin. Obi-Wan is a senior and is on the football team and basketball teams. While on a debate team and the mock trial club. He is planning to become a lawyer. Anakin is of course the jock, he plays football, baseball, and basketball. But of course, he is flunking his courses he almost went to summer school, and our Dad wasn't that happy, but our Moatm calms him down. While me you could say I am a mix of Anakin and Obi-Wan. I have average grades, while also being an athlete. I play track, basketball, and baseball. Now I am adopted as you can see because I look nothing like my parents, so is Obi-Wan and somewhat Anakin. Obi-Wan is fully adopted like me, while Anakin's real mom is Shimi, he never met his dad. While my biological parents died and my parents found me at Shili and raised me since I was 8 months old. The same for Obi-Wan except he was found on Stewjon. BRINNNNGGGG.

My alarm rings at 6 am, I groan and start waking up before Anakin barges into my room and yells


I groan even more thinking God I am going to have a whole school year with him.

"Anakin, if you want me to kill you, nothing is stopping me," I responded

"Snips come on, High school isn't that bad, plus you will have the Fett family with you," he responded

"True" I sighed and got up and started to change.

The Fetts are my best friends. I have known them since pre-school. They are a big family and adopted like me. They live across the street from us, and I was excited to start school with them. I got up and started to get unchanged and take a shower. I love taking hot showers in the morning, it refreshes me and also wakes me up. I then got changed into an outfit that was good because it was 90 degrees. I put on a white shirt, short sleeves, blue jean shorts, and some sneakers. With my hair braided on both sides.

I ran downstairs to my poodle named Morai

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I ran downstairs to my poodle named Morai. I started to give her a belly rub, and put food in her food bowl. I then went to the kitchen to find my mom making bacon, eggs, and sausages. I sat on the barstool talking to my dad.

"Hey dad, are you driving us today?" I asked.

"Sorry sweetie, the mayor wants us there early today, to talk about something about gangs and whatnot." Dad replied

"I thought the gang had been solved?" Obi said

"It was solved, it's not that bad anymore," Dad said.

That's when Anakin rushed downstairs and said

"I am driving today!"

I spit out my orange juice.

"No you're not, your "car" is broken. I might as well take the kriffing bus." I responded.

"Ahsoka he is because Obi's car is getting fixed." mom said smiling.

I groaned.

"Mom, can you drive me please, it's on the way to Tatooine where you work as a mechanic please."

"Sorry sweetie you have to go with Ani, better make your choice now it's 7:00 am."

"Fine I'll go, but all my belongings go to the Fett family."

"Awww so sweet Snips," Anakin said.

We got in the car, I looked across the street, maybe I could bring Liz and Rex. But all the cars were gone. I thought that was weird, but thought nothing of it and got in the car with Anakin. 

Hope you like it so far, comment anything please! 

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