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"Tina, I'm serious." Celia spoke. "Give me your wand."

"I can't. He told me to keep you here." She argues.

"I don't care. If he gets hurt, It's my fault, so give.


"Tina, if you say no to me again you're going over this ledge!" She snapped out of nowhere. "Please... Tina, please, I can't lose him. I'm, I'm begging you. I'll get down on my knees if you want just... just let me save him." Tina supressed a groan.

"I can't." She said again.


"Yeah, here." She smiled, handing over her wand.

"You're the best." Celia smiled, disapperating out of sight.

"Quinine!" Tina shrieked, and Quinine simply shrugged, smiling to herself.


Celia ran down the street, swerving through the crowd of terrified muggles coming at her and towards the rampaging obscurus. She heard a voice from the distance, calling it 'Credence'. Clearly, that's the name of the child. It seemed to calm down as it drifted into the underground railroad. The other wizards of New York began putting a magical barrier around the entrances, but Celia managed to slip under and down into the railroad, seeing the black mass perfectly still clinging to the wall. She pressed her back against a pillar, facing away from it.

"Credence. It is Credence isn't it?" She spoke. "I'm not going to hurt you. I can help you. I met a girl once. She was just like you. She was scared and she wasn't in control. But she wasn't a monster, and neither are you." She looked back, now seeing a boy that looked a lot old than ten or eleven, sat across the train line. "Can I come over to you? Credence, can I come over?" He nods timidly and she slowly start towards him, holding out her hand. "Take my hand... take my hand and I promise you... it's all gonna be okay." He started to reach out for her when there was a bolt of light that shocked her and she jolted her hand away. "Merlin." She cursed, looking up and finding Graves with his wand pointed at her.

"Credence, don't listen to this woman." He said. "She is dangerous. You're not safe with her."

"He is lying to you. I need you to take my hand, so I can get you out of here."

"Don't you touch that boy." Grave spat, hitting her with something else that sent a wave of electricity through her body and it caused all of her joints to cease up. She looked back to Credence, and he had started to tremble and give off black smoke omce again. Graves takes no notice as he keept shooting spells at Celia, forcing her to crawl along the floor to try and avoid them. She ended up back behind the pillar, panting however wondering why it had gone so quiet, so suddenly. Cautiously, she stuck my head out and it looked like Graves was fighting someone off.

"Newt." She breathed in relief. She looked up and saw Credence had become the obscurus and was causing more havoc. "Credence, you don't have to do this, please."

"Credence!" Another voice called and everyone stopped what they were doing. She saw Tina slowly advancing towards him. "Credence, I know what you've been through. I know what that woman did to you." She says. "But you need to stop this now, and Newt and Celia can protect you. I can protect you." By the look of things, Tina wasn't the only one that came in, because the wizards that were surrounding the area, had also come down and were pointing their wands at him.

"No, stop! You're gonna scare him!" Celia pleaded. Suddenly, they all started to shoot at him, and he let out a painfully scream and her heart broke into pieces. One minute he was there, the next, he was... just gone. She let out a small gasp, finally able to catch her breath.

"Celia." She looked up, a smile coming over her face.

"Newt." She said, pulling herself onto the platform and practically running up to him, wrapping her arms around him and taking in a shaky breath. "Don't you ever leave me ever again." She spoke, looking him in the eyes. "I thought I was going to lose you."

"You won't ever lose me. Because there's nowhere else I'd want to go." He told her. "I want to be where you are."

"Well good... because you're stuck with me, I'm afraid."

"What ever shall I do?" He smiled, and she breathed a laugh.

"I love you."

"I love you." Once again, he pulled her into a soft kiss. One that she felt she'd been waiting for her whole life. Why not enjoy this moment? It was over. It had to be over. She hoped it was over, but of course Graves wasn't finished.

"You don't know what you've done." He said, pacing up and down. Celia turned to look at him, not understand his distress.

"The obscurus was destroyed on my orders." Just past him, stood Madame President, who had ordered them to be arrested that night.

"And I'm sure that it'll go down in the book as your orders. This wasn't a good call!" He fumed. "You don't know what you've done!"

I have to find another. There has to be another.

"That's it." Celia spoke and everyone turned towards her. "You thought I would be you're greatest threat because you knew I could hear what you were thinking, didn't you? And you knew is would figure out who you are."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says, his eyes shifting away from her.

"That obscurus was a parasitical, magical entity that just killed a boy. What on earth did you want to use it for?" She asked, but he didn't answer.

"Sieze him." Madame President ordered. Graves was quickly restrained and she slowly went towards him, pulling out her wand.

"Revelio." Graves' hair started to change colour, and the man they now saw, had been on the run for a while and she couldn't believe he was in front of her.

"Do you think you can hold me?" He smirks.

"We'll do our best, Mr Grindelwald." Madame President says. "We are in great debt to you. Ms Atropa. Mr Scamander." She smiles and they nod. "That no-maj you had with you, be sure to obliviate him. You know the law."


"We don't have to. We can just tell 'em we did it." Quinine says, her eyes flooding with tears.

"It's against the law, Quinune." Tina said.

"I wasn't even supposed to be here. I wasn't supposed to know about a- any of this." Jacob says, also tearing up.

"You're a good man, Jacob. I wish it didn't have to be like this and I wish you all the best." Celia spoke and he looks to her.

"Newt was right about you. You are kind and I'm gonna miss you. All of you." He smiles. Tina holds up her wand and Celia take Newt by the hand.



"Thank you. For everything." Tina says with a smile. "If you hadn't've said all those nice things to my boss, I wouldn't've got my job back."

"It was the least we could do." Newt says.

"Still. You didn't have to."

"After everything you've done for us, you deserve it." Celia added. A low horn sounded from the boat and she turned to it for a moment. "That's us. I'll be sure to send you the manuscript." She nods.

"Fantastic beasts and where to find them."

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