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Maintenance day! A wonderful productive day in Skipper's opinion, couldn't miss it. Scheduled once every week and not once has it gotten old, however today's main focus was replenishing Rico's storage space with all the goodies. Time bombs, stink bombs, Hollywood big-budget bombs, and of course their signature most used, smoke bombs. What could he say? Big fan of anything that went 'kaboom!'

It was usually Kowalski that managed Rico's supplies when it came around to this every month, yet his lab was in dire need of a deep cleaning, so he was tasked with more so self management, Private tagged along just in case. However it was still a mystery why they had locked the lab door while unsupervised in there. Didn't matter! He wasn't sure if he had the gut to know and besides, he had his own mission right now. Not that he didn't get suspicious of the two more then often.

It was time to get started; pulling out a stored crate they hand selected from their nearby P.W.F. (Also known as the 'Penguin's Weapon Facility.') He sighing contently at the sight of their haul, emptying the beloved explosive contents onto the main table. Red dynamite sticks a popping contrast from the scratched and worn gray color pallet of their HQ.

"Rico, fall in!" He commanded, flippers neatly folded behind his back properly.

Rico came running at his call, halting with a quick salute. For a psycho he presented himself well, and for that Skipper could feel the swell of pride within his chest. "Aye!" Rico chirped, a smile present on his face, tongue drooping out the right side like it normally did.

Skipper couldn't help the smirk growing over his beak as he gazed into the bright blue irises of Rico's eyes, reminding him of clear fresh waters with pure blue skies overhead. A picture perfect day was what was held captive in those eyes, and he couldn't be more happier to simply get lost in them. Yet this wasn't the time for such pleasures, it was maintenance day for crying out loud! No more lolly gagging.

"Alright amigo. Let's make a new best time! I say we're done precisely at 1500 hours," Skipper said, glancing up at the clock as it read; 2:45 PM. "I knew." He smirked, proceeding to slide a variety of explosives towards his companion.

Rico nodded excitingly, already shoving items down his gullet. The process was rather fast as Rico didn't need a lot of time in this matter, quickly packing in one after another. Yet there was something oddly mesmerizing, Skipper couldn't quite place it as he watched Rico lick over his beaks edges, wetly swallowing dangerous objects like sugar coated candy.

Something about the way Rico moved made Skipper curious, like a growing itch he couldn't scratch. The feeling of desire was building within him as he continued to stare, he found him rather attractive in a weird way, as if he was a wild animal that had a underside of mystery, fueled by a fierce passion that had drove him off the brink of his own sanity. At least thats how Skipper imagined Rico's personality.

Skipper noticed what seemed to be a form of excitement to Rico's movements. Was it that he was becoming sated? Maybe. It would be hard to tell for certain, but it looked like Rico's usual behavior. Yet spending these few moments analyzing his partner was in a way, awakening. Like he saw him in a different light, a more interested point of view.

It left Skipper in some sort of awe, and he couldn't explain it fully but it felt as though his solider was worth investigating. To know the under layer to Rico's history, what he was like deep down. If he only ever craved destruction or if maybe...he would ever consider being a lover? Let alone his. But the curiosity was overwhelming, like if he hadn't expressed his true feelings now he wouldn't get another chance. Yet he swallowed down the rest of his questions in favor of the job at hand.

And before Skipper knew it they had finished at a record time, Rico simply beaming without saying a single word, waiting patiently for his next orders. Yet Skipper swiftly scanned over the room, finding that there wasn't too much left that he couldn't handle himself. He turned back to Rico with a tender look saying; "dismissed for the day, solider."

Rico gave an enthusiastic salute, turning to the few left over items left in the bottom of the crate for leftovers. Skipper stood dazed, mind racing a mile a minute. All this thinking was bothersome as much as he found it fascinating, some outdoor air would do some good to what he assumed was a headache he felt coming on.

Climbing up the ladder he glanced one last time over his shoulder to his sergeant, eyes tracing over his body head to toe in contemplation. Now standing on the surface of their HQ he took note of the glorious sun, shining down over the zoo's entrance bell. This moment reminded him of something he had wanted for years to say, yet never got the courage to voice. It sounded so foolish in his mind; to ask someone out on a date. Nonetheless Rico, the one person he never thought he would have fallen for. All he could figure was that love blossomed in quite odd places, and it just so happened to be right here, in his own damned heart.

The words sat at the tip of his tongue, desperately itching to be spoken aloud. Yet they caught in his throat, seeming unable to escape his beak even when he was alone. The words 'can I have a chance with you' sat heavily in his mind, weighing down his mood.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard an explosion from down bellow, kicking him out of his reverie. The rush was instant as he quickly waddled to the hatch, not bothering to look inside before jumping down with urgency. "What in the name of mother MacArthur was that?!" He shouted, finding only Rico still present in the room.

Rico turned to him, a gleeful look about him and a black bowtie clipped to his chest neatly. He pointed to the shattered glass scattered across the floor, something he couldn't identify glinting in his eyes as he gazed over them.

Skipper suddenly remembered Rico's not-so-secret hobby. He was after all the team's demolition expert, and of course when having a few sticks of dynamite laying around they were bound to be put in use. That use just so happen to be fulfilling Rico's starvation for a good explosion of apparently tea cups. Of course the bowtie was just for show, yet still a treat to see.

Unexpectedly gaining some confidence Skipper waddled closer, softly chuckling at the mess as he rested a wing over Rico's broad shoulders. "You're pretty amazing, Rico," said Skipper, tenderness laced within his weakening voice.

Rico looked down at his commander, tilting his head slightly, as if asking for a clarification on what he meant. Nonetheless his grin returned and Skipper found himself smiling right back.

Maybe...maybe one day Skipper would tell him. Clarify everything after all this time. Someday he hoped, someday.

[Word Count: 1,230.]

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