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(Inspired by the episodes: 'Loathe At First Sight.')

He held it gloriously high within his flippers, marveling at his own craftsmanship. His gaze held no shame in bringing this beauty back to life. In fact even though under orders at the time, he regretted throwing the original prototype away. Well, that's why he kept blueprints for every questionable invention. Skipper was a picky man on what he liked, and Kowalski just happen to be a carful scientist. Thankfully.

But it was finally back, the Love-You-Laser! Of course a 2.0 model, but a wonderus and almost identical recreation of the prevouse one. Up and ready for a run for its money, it had finally come to the point of needing test subjects. But Kowalski knew it would be a difficult task sneaking past the others carrying a rather large bow simply to test it on the zoo's surrounding residence.

But as of five agonizingly long minutes ago that was no longer the main issue. Let's just say he forgot to lock the lab's door before outright waving it around the room like a squealing little school girl.

"I said burn it! That's an order, Kowalski!" Skipper commanded for about the millionth time, trying desperately to snatch the device from him. Yet shortness wasn't always an advantage, and unfortunately his Lieutenant was much taller with damn long flippers adding to that.

Kowalski shoved him off with a grunt, "Skipper, you haven't even given it a chance!" Gripping it to his chest defensively he continued in a calmer yet still whiny tone, "the last thing I need to do is test it on live subjects, and then we'll know if it's dangerous or not! ...Which it isn't." Mumbling the last part to mostly himself he frowned.

Skipper huffed and puffed, clearly twitching with dying down rage as he folded his flippers sassily. "And if something goes wrong?" He paused dramatically, "like it ALWAYS does."

His smirk returned as his chest swelled with pride; he had planned for just that. "IF, something were to go wrong. I whipped up this serum which should theoretically cancel out any after effects. All one would need to do is have the, uh.. 'in love' one of the two drink it." Kowalski smiled, pulling out a small jar that contained a sparkly purple fluid.

Skipper sighed rather loudly, sounding like he'd finally caved. "Who'd you have in mind?" He asked drawn out, rolling his eyes quite bluntly.

That's when Kowalski began to fidget, tapping his wing tips together slowly with a nervous expression now present over his features. "Well, ahem.." clearing his throat he held a flipper to his beak, the other tucked professionally behind his back. "To prevent what happened last time i narrowed down the species that the Love-You-Laser should effect."

Waddling to his large whiteboard he spun the board, holding a wooden pointer to the surface, showcasing the sillily done drawings. "Which would exclude mostly aquatic animals, such as; penguins, dolphins, otters, platypuses and other larger sea animals."

"Ok, ok, well then let's just use Marlene and... and uh, whose that platypus guy?" Skipper gestured, rubbing a wing tip under his chin in thought.

Kowalski gasped, "Parker the platypus?! Skipper, are you out of your mind?!" Grabbing his commander by the shoulders he yelled, practically in his face as he shook him slightly.

"Well it won't be me! You hear me! I swear-!" Skipper's sentence cut short when Rico emerged into the room, curious on what all the fuss was about by the look of his puzzled expression. Skipper glanced back at Kowalski only to find him shrunk down closer with agonizingly big puppy dog eyes.

"For science.." He whispered in an attempting-to-be-irresistible tone.

Harshly shoving him off was Skipper's first reaction, but the second was still unsure. He opened his mouth to oppose the idea, yet it fell shut a few more times before he answered with a stern nod. "Ughhh, fine! If it'll keep you SANE."

Kowalski shouted a rather vigorous "yes!" in triumph. Puppy dog eyes had never failed him.

"I need at least two of you, and since Rico's already here I don't see why we can't just test it on you both!" Suddenly in a prideful yet playful tone he rocked back and forth on his feet in anticipation. Kowalski obviously enjoying watching their expressions twist, creating a smug grin on his face he couldn't suppress.

"Whoaaa, hold your horses mister. Just because we're here doesn't mean we volunteered." Skipper had scoffed, crossing his flippers once again in disapproval.

Kowalski shrugged with an unflattering snort, "good thing for democracy then!" Suddenly he laser targeted Rico who had yelled back furiously with his flippers balled into tight fists.

"Democracy? Wait, we never voted-!" Skipper had charged at him, a rather unsuccessful attempt as Kowalski had shot him bullseye in the head. Maybe out of spite, he couldn't have told as he fell backwards, landing flat on his bum with wide eyes.

Rico lifted a flipper in front of his beak gasping lightly, "uh oh."

Waddling closer Kowalski looked at Rico unfazed, "medical supplies, if you will Rico." He Nodded slowly and spat out a pair of rubber gloves, sending them towards Kowalski. With slight adjustment to the fit over his flippers he examined Skippers dazed baby blues, his irises swirling in something Kowalski couldn't quite identify. But with one firm slap across the face Skipper snapped out his trance, shaking his head wildly before abruptly jumping onto his feet in a hurry.

Skipper wobbled, momentarily uneasy, mumbling something inaudible before tilting his head upwards to Kowalski. " you, happen to know uh, where Rico is?" He looked tired, drained of any spirit left in him as he talked slowly, yet a hopeful look grazed his features. A hidden excitement awaiting within him as he intensely stared down the scientist.

Rico had taken that as his cue to leave. He wasn't all sure what that damn invention did, but if it was anything like he witnessed last time he wanted no part in it. Because he knew once those brainwashed suckers got sight of you, there was no turning back...

And that's EXACTLY why Rico promised to end Kowalski's pathetic being after he had tried to sneak out of the lab when with absolutely no sign of regret or sympathy Kowalski had pointed him out from across the room. Putting on full display his smuggest smile when he heard Skipper gasping, and without the slightest ounce of hesitation, bolted straight for him.

Rico sighed, knowing that he was now a sitting duck waiting for it's demise. "Oh c'mon..."

Today was going to be a very long day, and Kowalski couldn't be any happier.

[Word Count: 1,132.]

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