🌺Best Romantic Scene and Best Character Introduction list🌺

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🌸These have filled up, so I listed them. Judging can start right away, or according to the timeline, judges choose :D🌸

Here are the participants and judge for Best Romantic Scene :

🌸Judge : ronikorpela

Participants :
🌸  dwarkaratna - Yadavi : The Name of Yearning |Chapter 34 : Lovers on the same path|
🌸 MowgliMontier - Due South - Karib's Adventure Book One |Chapter 3a and 3b ( first half)|
🌸 WhispersToTheStxrs - The Search for Serenity | Chapter 29|
🌸 SuVida777 - Komoreby |Chaper 24 : An Inner Sanctum ( middle) |

Here are the participants and judge for Best Character Introduction :

🌸Judge : Mya_fictional_fairy

Participants :
🌸 BellOfSilence - The Grimm Dossier |Chapter 2 - The Magician|
🌸 strawberry1d - Echo in the Wind |Character : Isuel, Chapters 6 and 7|
🌸 Beetlemaniac - The Runaway Rebels - Book 1 |Character : Ace , Chapter 1: Meet the Gods|
🌸 Kathy_Marwin - One More Highschool Comedy, Chaos Begins |Character : Remi , Chapter 1|

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