I: Sunsets and Silhouettes

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Gusion was awaken by a strong punch in the face.

His head already felt like it was splitting in two even before the punch.

Now he felt like his brain was trying to force its way out of his head.

He forced to open his eyes.

The light was blinding that he was seeing in twos, but he could never mistake that black form looming over him.

"Leave me alone." He mumbled and rolled over the hardwood he was lying on.

He tried to recall where he was.

Right. He was on a pub.

He probably passed out from drinking too much last night.

And also consuming that powdery stuff that always made him feel like he could take on the world.

On his normal sober days, he could never face the world without sinking into the void of pain that he just couldn't rid of no matter what he did.

His miserable thoughts early in the morning was again disrupted by a kick on the head.

"Damn it, Granger!" He snapped as he jolted to a sit, which he immediately regretted as the world spun around him and all the things he consumed last night came right back up and out of his mouth.

After throwing up, he wiped the side of his mouth and walked out of the pub, bumping against Granger's shoulder in the process.

"What do you want now?"

"It's one week before your wedding!"

"I am aware of that" He said. "Don't you sound more excited than I am?"

"Then why have you gone back to your old ways?!"

"Old ways?" He asked, feigning innocence.

"Passing out drunk! Disappearing for days, doing drugs! Lesley is worried!"

Gusion laughed, which created even more unpleased scrunches on Granger's face.

"Calm down. I was only cherishing my bachelor days that are about to end."

"You better man up or I'll gut you alive."

"Why are you so protective of my fiancee?"

"Because she bugs me whenever you worry her and it is annoying!"

Gusion sat at the edge of the table, waiting for his world to stop spinning. "You better make sure that's only that."

His head started to settle and it was only then had he taken a good look at his old friend.

The last time he came beating him up was a year ago, when he came to wake him up into reality and forced him to stop mourning.

For the last few years, Gusion had been nothing but wasted. No days had he been sober and high on substance that made him forget his misery.

Until Granger came to beat him up so badly he had no strength to get drunk for over a week.

And in that course of one week, when he had been itching for liquor and drugs that his system had gone used to, Lesley had been there.

She had always been there for him.

But only then had he been reminded of her presence in his life.

And how she had never given up on him no matter how badly he messed up.

It was then did he finally realize that Guinevere was truly gone and there was no amount of grieving in the world that would bring her back alive.

And Lesley was there.

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