Day one!

107 3 1

Error was crocheting and watching a show on the couch, fully dressed, when he heard the AC sputter into silence. He blinked, turning his head, to regard it. It was fizzling with sparks. He stood, and calmly walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge door, pushing a bunch of things to the side, and sitting inside to continue his knitting. A half hour later, the fridge turned off. He swore loudly, snatching some chocolate up and exiting the fridge. He was met with a wave of heat. He groaned, removing his scarf and trudging up the stairs to his room, flopping onto his bed. Moments later, the heat got to be too much, so he started stripping.

Meanwhile, somewhere else, Dream was finishing up his work, grinning. There weren't any of the bad sanses here, for some reason, so he had no trouble. He held up a gloved hand to shield his sockets from the glaring sun, sighing. It was so bright...Oh well. He decided to take a quick stroll before returning home. It was a nice day, though a bit chilly in his opinion. After walking through a nice forest, and enjoying the views, he opened a portal, returning home. When he walked into the front door, it was the same temperature as outside, which pleased him. When he left, it was so cold, although Error seemed to like it that way, so he let it happen. Speaking of the glitchy boi, where was Error? He looked left and right, and then started walking upstairs.

Error groaned, squirming on his bed, completely naked. The air conditioner was broken, and it was 112 degrees outside. He squirmed, the soft coolness sheets being some of his only comfort. He didn't know how long had passed, when his bedroom door creaked open. Dream walked in, looking perfectly comfortable with long sleeves, leggings, and gloves. Error made a sound equivalent to a melting child, sitting up with a groan. "wItChCrAfTtt!" He said accusingly, pointing at Dream. The guardian chuckled, striding over to sit next to Error, a slight yellow blush on his cheeks. "Is it really that bad?" He asked curiously. Error poked his face, and then pressed a palm to his cheek. Dream cocked a bonebrow. "What are ya doing?" Error latched onto him. "YoU'rE sO cOlD!" He moaned happily, voice dreamy and drifting. Dream gently pushed him off. "I am?" Error crossed his arms. "StRiP. nOw." He commanded. Dream had no choice but to obey.

Minutes later, they were nestled together on the bed. More accurately, Dream was on his back, and Error was on top of him, face down, wrapping around Dream like a koala. He murmured happily, their ribs sorta tangling a bit. The multi-colored boned skele purred softly, chin on the other's chest. It was finally a nicer temperature, as Dream's bones were quite cold. Dream gently stroked the back of his skull, and nuzzled into him happily. Error made little 'mrrpt' sounds, nestling deeply into him. They were both relaxed, and their temperatures balanced the other's out, so it was nice and pleasant.

522 words omilord sorry- idk how to extend thisss ahghghghggghghgh)

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