Chapter 13

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Junmyeon steps out of his room into the hall and is immediately accosted by Eunji, Namjoo and Hayoung, the three dragging him down the hall and around a corner. Eunji and Namjoo trap him on either side, and Junmyeon flashes back to middle school, when the bullies used to shake him and his friends down for money.

"What are your intentions?" Eunji demands.

"Umm," Junmyeon blinks, "My intentions are to get some water? You kinda drank Chanyeol under the table and he's really only got the one liver he's trying to puke out right now."

"No, we mean with our Chorong unnie." Namjoo explains. "What are your intentions with her?"

Junmyeon frowns. "I don't understand."

"What they mean," Hayoung chimes in from the back, "is that they would like to know if you like Chorong unnie."

"I- You- I-" Junmyeon flubs like a fish out of water. "What does it matter to you if I like her?"

"Well of course it matters. We can't just let anyone date our unnie." Namjoo scoffs, rolling her eyes like it's obvious. "We saw you two making out."

Junmyeon's face, the traitor, bursts into flames. "You- How- You saw that?!"

"I'm angry I didn't see." Hayoung mutters, dejected.

"That's what you get for ditching us for your boyfriend instead." Eunji scoffs and Hayoung sticks her tongue out at her. Eunji ignores it and turns back to him. "So what's the deal? You are asking her out right? You do like her, right?"

"You know, I haven't really had time to process all this, it kind of just happened." Junmyeon really hasn't had the time, though it's been brimming at the back of his head all the way back to the hotel, Chanyeol a complete deadweight on his back. Then once they'd gotten to their room, the idiot had almost thrown up all over the carpet, truly a grace of god that he stumbled into the bathroom at the last second and managed to find the toilet bowl.

"What is there to think about? Do you like her yes or no?"

"There's a lot to think about, like, gee, I don't know, maybe whether or not she likes me back?" Junmyeon argues, relieved in a sense to finally let out what has been dominating his mind in recent months. "I'd rather not ruin the relationship we already have, a good one mind you, even more by following one dumb thing with another."

"Oh my god, he doesn't know." Namjoo has the sudden realisation around the same time Eunji does.

Hayoung rolls her eyes, annoyed, "That's what I've been telling you guys, they are both completely and utterly clueless. It's ridiculous."

"What? What don't I know?"

"But how can they both not know?" Eunji exclaims, ignoring him. "It's so freaking obvious, a child would know."

"What don't I know?" Junmyeon yells again. "Someone tell me what's going on!"

"Chorong noona likes you." A pale looking Chanyeol propped up by a grossed out Sehun appear next to them, and all three girls take a big step back away from the hideous boozy smell that emanates from them, or more specifically, Chanyeol. Sehun drops him unceremoniously beside the wall and Chanyeol sinks to the ground, still looking nauseated and sickly. "You." He points an unfocused finger at Eunji. "You are not human."

A satisfied smirk spreads across Eunji's face. "You're just weak."

He opens his mouth to argue more but Junmyeon grabs him by the collar and gets his attention. "No, focus. What do you mean she likes me?"

Chanyeol shoves his hands away. "What do you want me to say? She likes you. We all know it." The rest of them nod in agreement.

"You're lying." Junmyeon accuses all of them. He wants to believe them, but he just can't afford to believe them. "This is a trick, some big prank you're all playing on me."

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