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"They've been quiet for a while." Sehun remarks to no one in particular as he checks his watch. "And we have to go soon."

"Already?" Hayoung whines next to him, clinging to his arm and the two dissolve in a fizzle of cringy couple talk that has everyone recoiling back in disgust.

"Should we knock?" Namjoo asks, Naeun leaning against her sleepily.

"I'm not knocking." Chanyeol declares, when everyone looks at him, standing closest to the door.

But he doesn't have to. The door suddenly cracks open to reveal a shirtless Junmyeon, to the girls' high pitch squeals, hair a complete mess and very out of breath. "Chanyeol?" He asks looking around and when he sees him, grabs him by the collar and drags him over. "Where's your wallet?"

"Right here." Chanyeol pats his pocket. "Why?"

"Give it."

Chanyeol slowly takes it out. "Why? What do you need?" Junmeyon impatiently grabs for the wallet, but Chanyeol is quicker. "Oh," he smirks, catching the very visible bite marks on Junmyeon's bare neck. "What are you gonna give me for it?"

Junmyeon scowls at him. "I'm not going to give you anything. What I'm going to do is assign you bathroom duty for the next three weeks if you don't hand it over."

"That's an abuse of power!" Chanyeol complains as Sehun chimes in from the back. "Hyung we don't really have time, we have to go soon. Remember Minseok hyung?"

"I just need like 15 minutes." Something catches his attention behind the door, something that has him sucking in air like he's short of breath, and he amends, "30. I need 30 min-" A pair of grey sweatpants slide softly to his feet and Chanyeol and Sehun stare at it in shock while Junmyeon's eyes widen in response to whatever he's looking at behind the door. Junmyeon turns back and bonks Chanyeol on the head, snatching his wallet when he's distracted by the pain. "You know what, I'll let you know." He declares, not even looking at them as he slams the door closed and clicks the lock into place, the echo reverberating in the silent, overcrowded hallway.

"I didn't know unnie's door had a lock." Hayoung notes.

"But why did he want your wallet?" Bomi asks, confused.

"Chanyeol hyung carries a condom in his wallet." Sehun laughs, eyebrows quirking, and Bomi, Namjoo and Naeun look at each other in shock before letting out another squeal of a mortification, running away to the living room in a snickering pile.

Chanyeol is still crouched over, holding his head in pain. "Why does it feel like I just got beaten up and robbed?" He groans.

Eunji laughs. "That's because you were."

"I guess we're not leaving anytime soon." Sehun sighs but he has a smirk on his face when he catches Hayoung's eye. "You know, I haven't seen your room yet?"

Hayoung hums, playing innocent. "You haven't? That doesn't sound right."

"Just go already." Eunji scoffs, cutting their flirting short and the two don't hesitate to run off together.

She stands there alone with Chanyeol. "So I guess everyone's shacking up." He says nonchalantly after a bit.

Eunji snorts. "In your dreams."

"C'mon, we could have a fun time." He persuades but Eunji only snorts again. "I'm only interested in guys who can out drink me."

"So you're saying if I up my tolerance, you'll date me?"

Eunji studies him, looking him up and down, unreadable smile on her face as she lifts an intrigued eyebrow and walks away without saying a word.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Chanyeol chases after her, yelling. "Yes or no?!"

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