Shall we Dance?

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So I have no experience with any kind of dancing, please excuse any weird wording or terms, I literally wrote this in like three hours and I haven't done any editing at all.
Hope you enjoy it!

"Do we really have to do a second lesson?" Yoongi asks, whining as Jimin opens the car door, clearly excited.
"Yes of course we do! You were not picking it up that well last time," Jimin grabs a gym bag from the back seat as Yoongi slowly opens his own car door, "And don't even try to hide the fact that you thought our teacher was cute last week, I saw how you looked at him!"
Yoongi groans, "I did nothing!"
"It may have looked like nothing, but I know you well enough to know when you are hiding a smile, Min Yoongi! Now come on, he's waiting for us!" Jimin marches toward the building, stopping by the door to let Yoongi slowly catch up to him so they could walk in together.
"Namjoon better know how lucky he is, I hate this," Yoongi mutters stubbornly as Jimin links their arms together, pulling Yoongi down a hall in the dance studio.
"Stop being so cranky, you faker," Jimin says, cheerily opening the practice room door and forcing Yoongi inside.
"Hey, Guys!" Hoseok grins, looking up at them from across the room, "I thought I might have scared you both off last week."
"He smiles too much," Yoongi hisses through his teeth.
Jimin pinches his arm, earning a yelp of pain from the older, "He is perfect for you, be nice."
Yoongi dutifully nods to Hoseok, offering a simple hello, this seems to satisfy Jimin, and the older grins, immediately starting a conversation with Hoseok about stretching, and being on the dance team in college. Hoseok enthusiastically responds about his own college days and now teaching as he urges them to stretch their legs.
Jimin drops down, "I need to stretch more often, I've lost so much flexibility since college," He says wistfully.
"It's always a good quality to have, it makes you stronger," Hoseok agrees, motioning for Yoongi to join them on the floor.
Yoongi frowns to himself but moves anyway, half-heartedly copying each thing that Jimin does, trying to hide his discomfort.
He looks up to see Hoseok's eyes already on him, half serious, half smiling, "You might want to push yourself a little, Yoongi-shii, you don't want to get a cramp."
Yoongi tries to smile at the dance instructor and pretends to lean further to the side, quickly looking away from the perfect slope of Hoseok's nose and heart-shaped lips that were a little too hypnotizing to him.
Soon Jimin decides that stretching time was over, much to Yoongi's relief, and he stands up, asking Hoseok to run through the steps of the dance for them to review it. Yoongi sighs, happy that he could blame any blush or discomfort on the physical activity, and start to mimic each move in small motions, trying to trigger his muscle memory from their last class the week before.
For some god-forsaken reason, Namjoon and Jin had asked them to learn how to dance Salsa at their wedding in a few weeks and because they are the best men and also simps for their friends, they had both immediately agreed.
Yoongi has been complaining ever since but knows he can't back out.
Hoseok smiles at them through the mirror, "You both are doing really good, this can be a hard dance to pick up."
Yoongi flushes under the praise, again glad to be moving around to disguise his hot cheeks.
Jimin holds a handout to Yoongi, "Ready?"
Yoongi nods, placing his fingers on Jimin's the way Hoseok had shown them the week before. The three of them had ended up spending half of the first lesson trying to decide who was going to lead and who was going to do the female part. Jimin was clearly more skilled and would be better at the more intricate female part of the dance but no matter what they tried; Yoongi couldn't lead for his life.
He was stuck having to put extra work into the harder part of the dance. It would have been fine except for the fact that it was Jimin leading him around the room.
For the next half hour, he and Jimin moved around the room, trying to do the complicated footwork and make it look smooth at the same time.
"Jimin, you are doing amazing, keep it up, it looks near perfect!" Hoseok says after a few minutes of practice. Then he turns to Yoongi and before he can even say anything Yoongi sighs, dipping his head.
"Hey," Hoseok steps closer to him, voice so gentle, "It's not a bad thing that you are not dancing perfectly yet. I know it sounds like it, but I promise it's not."
Yoongi glances up and sees sincerity in his eyes, quickly glancing away.
"Yoongi-shii, what you are missing is just a bit more practice, once you are comfortable with the moves and with being close to your partner, you will be a star dancer. And I'm not just saying that I mean it, you have some talent hidden away in your oversize hoodie,"
Yoongi flushes straight to the tips of his toes as he gives Hoseok a timid but embarrassed smile. Hoseok grins back at him and then they are moving again, running through the basic steps again.
Half an hour later, Jimin's phone began to ring, and Yoongi cheered internally as they took a break. He sat down on the spot he had been standing, not even bothering to walk over to a chair. Jimin talked to whoever was on the other end briefly and then hung up, glancing at Yoongi apologetically.
"Taehyung's having an issue, I really need to go help him," Jimin explains, starting to grab the few things he had brought, "I'm really sorry to leave part way through."
Yoongi stands, reaching for his own things but Jimin stops him, "Yoongi, why don't you stay for the rest of our time slot? I'm sure Hoseok-Hyung won't mind helping you with your part?"
Yoongi freezes, shooting daggers at Jimin as Hoseok agrees from behind him.
"You guys did prepay for two hours, you should use the full time, and it would be good for you to get a bit better at your fluidity."
"Perfect! I'll try to come and pick you up after you're done, if not I'll pay for a cab," Jimin says, backing up toward the door.
"Jimin," Yoongi says, a threat in his eyes.
Jimin just smiles, "You'll thank me later Hyung, good luck!"
Yoongi slumps as the younger man walks out the door, leaving Yoongi alone with the insanely cute dance instructor.
"Yoongi-shii?" Hoseok asks, soundly slightly nervous for the first time since Yoongi had met him.
Yoongi slowly turns to him, "Yes?"
"I would like to continue the lesson, but if you are not comfortable with dancing opposite me, I can figure out a refund for you," He says, face blank despite the fact that there was hesitation in his voice.
Yoongi slowly shakes his head, "I do need the extra help, I'm just nervous around new people," That was a good excuse, he typically was quiet around people he didn't know, Hoseok didn't have to know that it was only this bad because he found the dance instructor attractive.
Hoseok smiles, "I'll try my best to put you at ease, and this might actually help you for next time with Jimin," He puts his tablet down, which he had been using to control the rooms sound system, "I couldn't help but notice that it looks like you felt a bit awkward with Jimin up close to you? You looked hesitant going into steps that brought you together."
Yoongi nodded, everything Hoseok was saying was exactly how he felt, Jimin was like a little brother to him, and this dance felt like it was supposed to be between lovers, not brothers.
"Jimin's like a brother, it's a bit awkward," Yoongi confesses, knowing he had to communicate to get through the next hour of this lesson.
Hoseok only smiles again, "That is totally understandable, you don't have much experience in dance so it might be weird in many ways until you've been doing it for a while."
Yoongi nods, "Do you think I can get better at it for real?"
Hoseok's smile somehow grows even larger, "Of course, I think you have talent, if you will let me, I can help you refine it, you'll be stealing all the hearts at your friend's wedding."
And then the man winked, fully winked at Yoongi as if that wasn't somehow a crime.
Yoongi stares at him, sure that his face was beat red, his normal hoodie was suddenly way too hot for him, and he was having trouble breathing.
"Yoongi-shii, you look hot, maybe you should take off the hoodie? As much as I know you like it, it may be easier to practice without it."
Yoongi nods, and steps to the side of the room, slowly pulling the warm piece of clothing over his head, leaving him in a black t-shirt.
Hoseok wastes no time getting back to the lesson, he puts on a playlist of different salsa music and quickly beings to run Yoongi through some practice footwork.
"See, you are doing them almost perfectly, you just need to trust your partner," Hoseok tells him with a smile as they both face the mirror.
Yoongi takes a shaky breath and nods.
"Want to try a few together?" Hoseok asks, and Yoongi catches that hint of apprehension in the younger man's voice again. He's nodding without even thinking about it and Hoseok grins, reaching out a hand to him as a new song being to play over the room's speakers.
This song was a bit slower than some of the others and Yoongi tried to focus on the correct steps as Hoseok counts them out, leading him through each one several times before asking if Yoongi wanted to try combining a few together.
Yoongi nods, feeling a bit more confident, even when Hoseok guides him into a step that brings their chests together and then apart again before Yoongi went into a twirl, under Hoseok's arm and then back to his chest.
Hoseok grins, telling adding two more steps and then leading Yoongi through the sequence a few more times.
Yoongi finds himself smiling as a new song comes on and Hoseok shows him serval more moves.
They go through several more, each time Yoongi nailing a different sequence of steps, his confidence growing at the same rate as Hoseok's proud grin.
The hour was almost up when one last song began to play, the one they had picked for the wedding dance and Hoseok twirls in place, "Want to try and freestyle?"
Yoongi's hesitance must show in his face because Hoseok steps closer, offering his hand, "You'll be fine, just follow my lead."
Yoongi nods, biting his lip absentmindedly as Hoseok begins to lead him around the room, beginning with the last sequence they had learned and through a few more, Yoongi accidentally taking one or two missteps.
Hoseok just smiles and tells him to keep going so he does, quickly learning that he could tell where Hoseok was planning to move next by his eyes. His eyes were the last place Yoongi wanted to look but he quickly became captivated by them, smiling himself when Hoseok grins yet again, pulling him close as the last beats of the song played out.
The playlist must have run out of songs because the room is suddenly too quiet, and all Yoongi can hear is his own heartbeat. His face was too close to Hoseok's perfect one and why were his eyes so pretty?
Hoseok stares back at him, his inch of extra height causing him to look down at Yoongi's cute cat-like features that were so endearing.
They both seem to be holding their breath, waiting for something but they didn't want to think of the possibilities that probably wouldn't happen.
Suddenly Yoongi was on the floor, a sharp pain shooting up his leg.
Hoseok look's panicked, "What happened> Are you okay?"
Yoongi gives him a rueful smile, "Cramp."
"Yoongi, I told you to stretch well!"
"I'm sorry," Yoongi says quietly, holding his leg with a wince.
Hoseok instantly drops to the floor, hands pulling on Yoongi's leg until he can easily reach the cramped muscle, gently massaging it with strong fingers.
Yoongi watches with wide eyes, he hadn't been prepared for this at all."
"Stretching is really important, Yoongi, you can't neglect that part of anything physical."
The spirit of some brave general must have possessed Yoongi at that moment, or maybe it was just too much seeing the pout on Hoseok's perfect lips because he grabbed the collar of Hoseok's oversize t-shirt and pulled the younger closer to him.
Hoseok lets out a soft gasp, his face suddenly a few inches from Yoongi's.
"Yoongi?" He asks softly, unsure of what was happening.
"Stop pouting or I'm going to end up kissing you."
Hoseok blinks, and then his face breaks out into the biggest smile Yoongi had seen yet, the younger's eyes almost closed.
Yoongi stares in awe as Hoseok quickly changes his expression, pouting his lips out almost more than necessary, a hint of a challenge in his eye as he looks at Yoongi.
When Yoongi doesn't move Hoseok pouts for real, "I was promised a kiss, Yoongi-shii."
Yoongi almost faints when Hoseok leans forward, pressing their lips together. It was only a quick peck, but Yoongi knew his life would never be the same.
He starts giggling, not able to contain himself as Hoseok back up slightly, his face red as well for once.
The door bursts open and Jimin comes in, this time dragging Taehyung behind him, the tall man looking slightly put out and having been brought here.
Both of their faces change when they take in Yoongi's giggles and Hoseok's flushed smile.
Jimin starts hitting Taehyung's arm, "Oh my god, they confessed or something, Taehyung we have a second wedding to plan," Taehyung tries to run away from his small boyfriend, while the two older men continue to sit on the floor, embarrassed but sneaking glances at each other every few seconds.

Namjoon and Jin's wedding was one to remember. The couple had given their best men liberty to do whatever they wanted during their dance and the two ran with it, practicing a few times a week leading up to the big day.
The wedding ceremony was perfect, it went so well that everyone was slightly surprised at how smoothly it was.
After the food was served in the banquet hall, the best men's dance was announced and Yoongi and Jimin dramatically entered the dance floor from opposite sides to many cheers all around them.
Their song began and they bowed to the married couple before beginning their dance together, quickly pretending that they were struggling to not step on each other's feet.
The crowd began to whisper and wince until Taehyung stepped onto the floor, tapping Yoongi's shoulder. Namjoon and Jin looked slightly confused as Jimin quickly left Yoongi in favor of his boyfriend, Yoongi pretending to be heartbroken until Hoseok stepped up behind him, offering his hand.
Yoongi took it and both couples began to swing around the small dance floor, the wedding guests cheering loudly as the four of them run through the routine they had practiced over and over the past two weeks.
When the song ends, they all bow toward Namjoon and Jin who grin at them, thrilled.
Yoongi doesn't let go of Hoseok's hand as they walk off the dance floor and Hoseok grins, tugging the smaller man toward the side of the room where it is quieter.
They both jump when Jungkook pops up beside them, "Hi, Hyung's."
He's holding an entire plate of breadsticks, no doubt stolen straight from the kitchen.
"Kook, what are you doing hiding over here?" Yoongi asks the youngest, eyeing the food on his plate.
Jungkook sighs, glancing toward a table of people, "Just eating my feelings," He says sounding sorrowful.
Yoongi looks over to the table Jungkook had glanced at and sees Mingyu sitting there, laughing with a few other friends.
"Jungkook, all you have to do is talk to him," Yoongi tells him.
Jungkook frowns, unconvinced and the two get into a slowly escalating debate about whether Jungkook should just ask his crush-who-is-also-his-best friend out on a date.
Neither of them realizes that Hoseok had slipped away from them until he and Mingyu are standing just behind Jungkook, the younger man's eyes growing wide when he realizes what Jungkook was saying to Yoongi.
"Kook?" Mingyu asks quietly, looking slightly heartbroken and slightly elated.
Jungkook freezes, turning slowly, a look of panic crossing his face.
"Did you mean that?" Mingyu asks, serious.
Jungkook nods hesitantly and Mingyu looks relieved, "We need to go talk," He takes Jungkook's wrist and pulls him out of the room.
"Well, they are going to make an insufferable couple," Yoongi comments dryly as the door closes behind them.
Hoseok grins, "We should try to be just as annoying then," He pulls Yoongi closer to him, looping his arms around Yoongi's waist.
Yoongi hides his warm face in Hoseok's neck, enjoying his boyfriend's attention.
Hoseok begins humming tunelessly, swaying Yoongi side to side in some semblance of an awkward high school slow dance, and Yoongi smiles, those dance lessons really paid off.

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