Brandenburg Gate

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Me and Karl land at the Brandenburg Gate, for our target Von Eisenburg. He was going to meet up with a Russian to seal some sort of deal. So we equiped our Springfield rifles and we sneaked to the target house but we ran into some Krauts, but we took care of them. While Karl was getting ready to take his shot, I made sure no Krauts were following us. Bang! The Springfield went, Von Eisenburg was out, but we needed to quickly get out before the Krauts surrounded us, so we ran out of the target house, but a tank burst through a house next to the target house, so we nearly died there but we luckily made it back to checkpoint. A Truck came, so I laid boobie traps near the door while Karl reloaded his weapons. "You can do this part Adam," he told me. I nodded and threw a small rock to catch the attention of the Krauts. One of the soldiers came to the door, but I hid well and he blew up, then I picked off every Kraut that was outside. I gave Karl the signal and we dashed to the next house, that was near escort. We reached a patio like place in the building and picked off the Krauts that were scattered around Escort. After we cleared out the area, we hunted for the next Scientist Kreidl...

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