Tenya Iida💙

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This story will mostly take place at the USJ incident site and I will try my best to get the details just right also I'm stealing a line from Deku at the end, and I will make a second part for next Friday- Steve🥸

POV: Iida

I look around at my fellow classmates and silently thank Midoriya for picking me to be the class representative, as I'm looking around my eyes land on Y/L/N and I blush slightly, I've never seen such an angel like them before, I look away from them and focus on the task at hand which is getting my classmates' attention, I blow the whistle that Mr. Aizawa gave to me and everyone looks in my direction "Gather around class 1A! Using your student numbers, form two neat lines and load the bus efficiently!" I blow my whistle a few times more as they form themselves into two lines and one by one, start boarding the bus. I get on and see that there are some open seats, so I try to fix the seating arrangement quickly, in the open seats were me beside Ashido then Ayoyama and Kaminari, on the opposing side was Kirishima, Asui, Midoriya and Sato.

Short time skip

"Plus this open layout ruined my boarding strategy... " Ashido cuts in "Iida you really need to chill" then Asui speaks "If we're pointing out the obvious then there's something I wanna say something,  about you actually" she looks at Midoriya and he replies nervously "About me!? What is it Asui?" "I told you to call me Tsu" "He looks a bit guilty and at this point I'm starting to zone out while staring at the floor "Oh... yeah, right" She shrugs "Anyway, that power of yours, isn't it a lot like All Might's?" I'm only hearing the conversation but not bothering to speak with Y/L/N suddenly in the back of my mind "Ah!? What really? You think so, huh? I never really thought about that, I guess it's kinda similar" Then Kirishima speaks up "Wait, hold on! You're forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself, that makes a huge difference!" I hear Midoriya sigh of what sounds like relief, I wonder why... "Still I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting type of quirk, you could do a lot of flashy stuff with it, I mean, my hardening's super strong and can defeat bad guys in a fight but it doesn't look all that impressive." "Oh no way I think it's really awesome looking! You're definitely pro material with a quirk like that!" Says Midoriya "Do you really think so? It seems like it'd be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier." Kirishima replies, I start to get slightly bored of listening to this conversation but then somebody who rarely speaks (Ayoyama) starts talking and I look up to hear what he has to say "My naval lazer's got the perfect combination of flash and strength~" I see Mina pat his shoulder "Sure but it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache sweetie!" and I see his smile drop immediately which strangely somewhat amuses me, then Kirishima speaks again "Well if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugo" I notice Bakugo grunts at Kirishima's comment and Asui speaks next "Sure, but Bakugo's always angry so he'll never be that popular" and I see a panicked look on Midoriya's face as Bakugo starts talking "What did you say? I'll kick your ass!" Asui nods and points at him with her thumb "You see?" then Kaminari cuts in to say "You know we basically just met you, so it's kinda telling that we all know you're personality's flaming crap mixed with garbage" which clearly angers Bakugo more as he shouts back "YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THE DAY YOU EVER APPLIED TO THIS SCHOOL LOSER! I'LL KILL YOU, YOU KNOW!?" At this point he crossed the line and I have to stop this argument before somebody gets hurt "Enough. Last week you should have been encouraged more at the battle trial, than maybe you'd have won." (I know this doesn't make much sense but when I watched the episode Deku was talking too loudly so I couldn't hear the sidebar convo no matter how many times I rewatched it) "I'M GONNA ENCOURAGE THIS DUMBASS TO EXPLODE!" I sigh and just shake my head "Wait what did you say? You're crazy dude" "SHUT UP!" "Alright enough you two, now apologise to each other" "NO!" I see Mr. Aizawa step back here from my peripheral vision and he stops it "Hey, hey we're here, stop messing around" We all say "Yes sir" even Bakugo, although he did say it in an annoyed tone of voice.

Time skip to in front of the USJ

I see 13 standing in front of us and my jaw drops "Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you!" "Woo-Hoo! 13 is one of my favourite heroes!" Uraraka exclaims "I can't wait to show you inside!" we're all ready and excited for today "This is gonna be awesome!" We're then led inside and I look around amazed this place is massive!! I feel warmth close beside me and look over to see Y/L/N and slightly blush as they bump up against me "Oh.. sorry Iida" they smile and my heart melts "Uh yeah it's fine Y/L/N" "Please don't be so formal, call me Y/N! I mean we are classmates and hopefully future friends so we should get to know each other better!" as the chatter dies down 13 starts talking "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm etc. I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters! I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint but you can call it USJ!" hmm just like Universal Studios Japan... Mr. Aizawa speaks quietly to 13 and 13 whispers back, I wonder what they're talking about then he speaks up so we can hear him "Clock's ticking, we should get started" and 13 chimes in "Excellent! Before we begin, let me just say one thing... well maybe two things- possibly three- four- five-" we all shout at her "We get it!" her voice turns very serious "Listen carefully... I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk, it's called Black Hole, I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." Midoriya interrupts "Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before haven't you!?" 13 nods "That's true, but my quirk could also very easily be used to kill... Some of you also have quirks that can be very dangerous. In our super-human society all quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe it can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly, even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your quirks potential and because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people, carry those lessons over to this class! Today you're going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives, you won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help after all, that's what being a hero is all about, ensuring the safety of others. That's all I have to say, thank you so much for listening!" we all cheer, some out of thankfulness for the warning, others out of thankfulness that the speech is over and some even both "All right now that that's over-" Mr. Aizawa tries to speak but gets cut off by the lights all cutting out and the water fountain sputtering.

I hear a bunch of confused and worried gasps then a purple and black smoke appears from the water fountain and Aizawa turns towards it quickly "Stay together! Don't move! 13 protect the students!" Kirishima's curiosity gets the best of him and he asks the question we were all thinking "Uh... what is that thing? Wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people?" he tries to take a step forward but Mr. Aizawa shouts "I said stay back!" causing us all to flinch "This is real... those are villains" once again I hear a bunch of gasps. The last thought I have before the battle really starts is 'We thought we were gonna practice saving other people's lives that day... but when they appeared, we realised we were the ones in danger.'

Okayy that took me re-watching episode 9 and writing down exactly what happened as well as almost every word said by everyone starting from when they were about to get on the bus and then getting rid of a few words and it took me like 3 days to get the motivation but that's fine cause I always do stuff last minute, anyway I hope you enjoy and I'll post part two next time- Steve🥸

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