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It's consequential when gods play chess in the skies, far from sight, sound and advice...as well as protest. I would have protested, my ant-form to their titan stance.

I had my theories as to why I had four consecutive mates show up in my life and out of those four, only one was perhaps the most genuine one. Except seeing Creed Legion stand on the High King Podium in a uniform that wasn't the same colour as a guard's, or a waiter, or a servant, or a warrior to the kingdom.

He wore royal colours, white and gold. Pure and sickeningly delusional. Delusion in the fact that its an image portrayed to look clean, pure and trustworthy. Loyal to the kingdom and its people, and no matter the price of each sacrifice, a royal wearing those colours will pay it.

Creed's ember eyes of fire and rock was inherited by his father, the royal king of all seasons. The middle ground, the game maker and the man who holds answers to Leviathan's ruins, and my reckoning.

Creed was the only one with an electrical connection who made me think logically about why I had four mates. Was it because of something I was born with or born into? Did I have some special bloodline like Leviathan that elicited the power of four mates, not just the luxury of one?

It made me wonder if I had some sort of charmed artifact of some kind that enhanced and attracted suitors of multiple realms and generations. If each mate was allured to me based on something I had, not who I was in person, be it my wolf and elemental background, there could have been something I had to attract unparalleled beauty.

But I had nothing of infinite value. No ring. No necklace or dagger or crown, or rune itself that could lure men in like a siren in enticing waters made of illusion.

I wonder if it was something to do with universal collision, did time wrongfully overlap and force me to exist simultaneously as the same person, but attract men from other realities, from different worlds. That could have been it, that could have inadvertently written my universe with four mates and a long lost kingdom. Except that very small fact...Alastair wanted revenge on Nicolai for killing his little brother and turning Alastair's world upside down. Such revenge occurred in the same timeline.

My original guess was that the gods and goddesses played a game. Chess, checkers, maybe connect-four...if that weren't so bloody ironic given four men stepped in and chose me. I wondered if I was there decorative centre-piece. Where four men surround and suffocate me, but only one wants to save me, only one has the oxygen I needed to survive the attack...and the gods rolled their dice. To test the aspect of love, loyalty and passion...but which one was devoted, which one embodied that of the truth, no deceit.

But where was there ever any proof? There was no proof the gods or even my goddess orchestrated this act. This destructive, manipulative adventure of heartbreak, pain...and bittersweet love.

I moved on to the prospect that perhaps my aura could attract souls with pain matching my own. Like shades of colours being matched in a memory game and the gods were merely shuffling along, playing a new game where I'm matched with a new man. Or if each mate was a reincarnation of a lover from another lifetime. If Alastair was once Nicolai, and Nicolai was once Elias...but not one of these three could measure up to Creed.

The next guess was that my bloodline was cursed. It could be plausible that an ancestor of mine contained a fate so dark and dangerous with enemies that could've zapped a magical curse on them for the next set of generations in the Leviathan bloodline. Render me an unlucky Leviathan born curse for the sins of an ancestor. Doomed with only heartache and loss, never allowed to feel love or life in the arms of another genuine love. It all came down to suffering the very destructive torment of false love.

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