Winter <3

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She woke up in her bed, stretching her fragile limbs and shaking off the exhaustion. The morning cold seeped into her room, her tiny body shivering. She stood up and began walking to the bathroom.

Today was the first day back to school after the winter holidays. Before then, she was overweight, and embarrassed to go to school the way she was. Fat and grease covering her body, her clammy hands and bad grades, daily binges on junk food. This year, she finally decided she could change. She refused to go back to school like that.

She caught sight of her figure in the mirror, wearing nothing but her shorts and bra. Her rib cage harshly protruding through her delicate skin, her hip bones showing softly through her thin pyjama shorts. Stepping into the scales, a soft smile crept onto her face. What a timing, she'd finally reached her ultimate goal weight.

Stepping back off, she began to wash her soft face in the sink. She could feel her cheek bones and all she could do was smile. She started on her morning facial care routine that she had decided to dedicate herself to through the weeks. Before, her face sagged with fat rolls and oil, acne decorating her blotched and dry skin.

Now, looking into the overhead mirror, she could barely recognise the girl she used to be. She was no longer an unhealthy person. Her skin was practically translucent. Not a spot or pimple could be seen, nor acne or scars. She could see her collar bones and gently brought her hand up to it. As she ran her hand over it, another, wider grin came up on her face.

That dedication was seriously worth it. She wandered back into her bedroom, pulling on her uniform. To her complete surprise, it didn't fit her anymore. The size XL uniform she had previously worn no longer fit her body tightly, instead hung off of her loosely as if you had put an adults shirt on an infant.

She changed into an old uniform she had worn in her second year of high school, and it shockingly fit. She smiled to herself once more before styling her hair. She no longer fit in her shoes either, so she walked through the hall to her younger sisters room, who was only in her second year of high school.

She knocked her bony knuckles delicately on her sisters door, opening once she heard a reply. She asked if she had any spare shoes that would be okay to wear and her sister fetched her second pair of school shoes.

Thanking her sister, she went back to her room. She picked up her phone and packed her bag quickly before heading downstairs. As she walked into the kitchen, her mother greeted her and offered her a breakfast she'd woken up early to make. Her heart sank as she would feel absolutely horrible to decline, so she smiled and accepted it, saying she would eat it on the way to school.

She kissed her mother goodbye before walking to the store. She bought a vanilla coke and went outside. She spotted a homeless woman sitting outside of the store parking lot, so she went over and offered the breakfast her mother had made for her.

The homeless woman thanked her and blessed her before she began the half an hours walk to her school.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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