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Johnny and Carmen meet Carl in front of the induction center where a steady flow of prospective citizens file through the main doors.

The recruiting Sergeant is missing one arm. He smiles broadly at the three teenagers.

Recruiting Sergeant: "Fresh meat for the grinder, eh?"

Carl: "That's us. Where do we sign?"

He turns his chair to grab the forms. Johnny and his friends see that he is also missing both legs. The Sergeant catches them looking and smiles even wider.

As Johnny signs he looks at the campaign ribbons on the Sergeant's chest. 

Recruiting Sergeant: "Welcome to the adventure of Federal Service. Follow the blue line."

The trio are routed into different lines, joining other hopeful civilians. A colonel makes a speech over the loudspeaker.

Colonel: "There is no guarantee of service. We don't need all of you. It costs a great deal to train human beings for useful tasks. Many jobs are hazardous to your health. If you are chosen and do not wish to serve you may resign at any time, simply by completing form 1240/A. Thank you for exercising your constitutional rights."

Johnny and others in the line strip down. The guy in front of Johnny is very cheerful.

Guy: "They took my sister, they'll take anybody."

Johnny grimaces as a technician installs an interface plate on his side, drawing fluids.

Guy: "Oh, this is the part that hurts!"

A psych officer sits down across from each candidate.

Psych Officer: "No talking please. I'm going to ask you some questions. Please answer all questions truthfully. We'll know if you don't. Birthplace?"

Johnny: "Here in Buenos Aires."

The officer checks his response on the meter.

Johnny is poked and prodded, subjected to aural, visual and pharmacological stimuli, and scanned from head to toe.

Psych Officer: "Are your parents currently citizens?"

Johnny: "No, sir."

Psych Officer: "Which do you think is more important, courage or confidence?"

Johnny: "Courage, I guess."

Psych Officer: "Please complete the sentence. I want to be a citizen because..."

Johnny: "I want to be a citizen because... Well, because of my girl, sir."

Johnny now sits across from a Major who views a list on a monitor Johnny can't see.

Major: "I'm happy to tell you that you've been accepted for Federal Service."

Johnny: "Wow, that's great."

Major: "Looks like you're quite an athlete. Boy, look at those reaction stats."

The Major clucks his tongue as he highlights the last category on his list MOBILE INFANTRY.

Major: "My job is to determine what you're best suited for."

Johnny: "I want to be a pilot, sir."

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