chapter 3

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On Saturday I just hung out with robin and he brought the new girl he liked to some of the places we went I found out her name was Michelle she was alright but I was still pretty jealous of her and robin. On Sunday I just stayed home and watched movies and slept. Just relaxing ya know.


I was getting ready for school and then went to walked with robin to school but I found him walking with Michelle I didnt go over them for plenty of reasons. I didnt wanna feel left out, I didnt want to be jealous right now, and I didnt want to bother them. When I got to school robin was by his locker and I started to walk over to him. He saw me from a far coming over to him and walked away to his class. What the fuck?? I mean what the fuck!? Did I do something wrong? Whatever I went to first period and sat in the back at a desk next to Vance's. "Hey" I said to vance sitting down "Why are you talking to me asswipe!?"-Vance
Why the fuck was he being meaner than normal
"Jesus vance why are u in such a bad mood?!" -y/n
He ignored me and sat in a different desk before the teacher came in and started teaching. I was confused first robin was ignoring me and now vance I just dont understand.

As the day went on robin kept being very distant and like didnt even talk to me once today. By the time it was lunch I got sick of this bullshit and went up to robin and pulled him away from his "new little girlfriend"
"we need to talk. Now." -y/n
"Y/n nows not the best time I'm srry"-Robin
"No You listen. Why have u been ignoring me all day what did I do wrong??" -y/n
"Nothing it's just Vance told everyone that you like me and other rumors Is it true y/n..?" -Robin
"I..i...." I caught myself crying a little and I ran out of there to vance. I stopped crying by the time I found vance but my eyes were still abit puffy
"Wtf vance?? Whyd you tell robin I like him and whyd you say other rumors abt me!??" -y/n
"Dont act so innocent you mother fucker! I know what you did!" -vance
"What the hell are you talking abt vance!?" -y/n
"I saw you on Saturday! You told robin abt the thing I told you not to tell ANYONE! You know how personal that shit was?! I know I shouldn't have trusted you!" -y/n
"Your out of you god damn mind!! I didnt tell anyone vance! You took it too far this time." -y/n
I slapped him across the face for being such a dick Vance looked at me with fire in his eyes he was shocked I slapped him he had his fists shut tight trying dont to punch me right in the fucking face and then I walked out obviously I caused a scene but I didnt cared. I cant believe I thought me and vance could've possibly been friends.

I went home and cried for hours vance had totally fucked up me and robins relationship/friendship and now tons of kids at school hate me because of the rumors vance spread. He was the most bipolar mf I have ever known he was nice to me 2 days ago and now hes being an asshole again. Whatever I hate him.

Vances pov

Was y/n telling the truth?? Did she not tell robin? What if moose was just lying because he hates y/n even more than me.

third person pov

When y/n and robin were hanging out on Saturday at the grab n go vance and moose were also there when vance went to the bathroom moose tripped y/n because hes a jerk "watch it y/n" -moose "shut ur ass up moose ur not scary" -y/n moose got mad at that response and went to hit y/n but she had ran out of the grab n go with robin then vance came out of the bathroom moose told him y/n was talking abt the thing that happened at his house with robin. and moose was the only other person who new abt it because Vance and moose were bestfriends. Vance obviously got mad because y/n said she wouldn't tell anyone so he spread those rumors abt y/n.

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