chapter 6

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Its Wednesday and I cant wait to see vance!!!!! and Finney and gwen and robin I'm just in a good mood because prom is coming up!! I cant wait to get to school AND I'm having an amazing hair dayyyy. I walk to school with robin and we separated to go to our classes. I found vance and was walking to class with him when Michelle saw me and gave me a nasty look "wow y/n first robin now vance u really are a slut" she laughed "ummmm you really cant be talking "mIcHeLlE" i know who u are and ur the biggest whore I've ever met" I said smirking at her her face turned red with anger. I walked past her then she tried talking to vance. I heard her say "ugh anyways hey vance do u wanna go to prom with me?"
"MOVE BITCH" vance yelled and pushed past her walking with me to class. "That was amazing" I said laughing at what vance did
"Yah yah but for real that girl is so fucking aonnying" -vance we went to class as normal and it was honestly boring

A few periods later I had a class with robin. I was doing my work and listening to my Walkman then robin gave me a note
What song? -robin
What? -y/n
What song are you listening to?? -robin
Oh. Cherry bomb by the runaways
Cool anyways I heard vance say you look pretty today -robin
Oh i haven't seen him since first period what class does he have now? -y/n
Math I think. You have a class with him next period tho right? -robin
No the class after that. I have gym next period and I'm going to skip -y/n
Why? -robin
Do you know how many times I've caught moose staring at me while I do jumping jax -y/n
Goddamn creep! Do you want me to kick his ass for you? -robin
Thanks but already got my main man vance on the job :) -y/n
Is "main man" code for boyfriend? -robin
Dude were not dating! -y/n
I saw you blushingg -robin
Shut up!! I'm done now pay attention!! -y/n
Ok mrs. Hopper -robin
I crossed out "mrs. Hopper" and continued to do my work before the teacher came and yelled at us for passing notes.

Next period

It was pretty boring hiding in the bathrooms I was just listening to music locked in a stall i then heard someone walk in (Pretend boys and girls share a bathroom) I coughed and I heard the person say "who's in here??" Oh I know that voice it was vance. I opened my stall door and walked out "hey vance" -y/n
"Hey loser" -vance "are u skipping?" -y/n "yah are you?" -vance "yup gym sucks especially when someones staring you down while you do jumping jaxs" -y/n
"What who!?!" -vance
"Moose. I hate him so much" -y/n
"Ya know I'm starting to hate him too hes been acting like an asshole recently" -vance
"Isnt that like ur guy's thing??" -y/n
"shut up you know what I mean" -vance
"No..I dont." I said confused
"Well I hate that hes a dick to you" -vance
"Your a dick to me too most of the time" -y/n
"I can only be mean to you it's our thing. I'll beat up anyone else who's fucking with you y/n" -vance
I blushed "then why didnt you beat up Michelle?" I said joking but keeping a straight face
"come on y/n leave me alone" he said slightly laughing
I smiled at him
"Oh I almost forgot to ask you do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch??" I said
"Uhhh I dont know I dont really like your friends-" Vance "pleaseeee" -y/n "finee" -vance
and before I knew it, it was time for next period so i walked with vance over to our class.


I sat down at a table and waited for robin Finney gwen and vance to come sit down by me. Like 2 minutes later vance came and sat next to me then Finney and gwen then robin. Finney gwen and robin looked confused as why vance was sitting with us but I shook it off I was praying that they would all get along and vance or robin wouldnt start a fight. It was pretty good we were all talking about prom and how excited we were. When I say "we were all" I mean me Finney gwen and robin. Vance just stayed quiet most of the time with a straight face. I kept trying to get him in our conversation but he would barely talk I mean it's better than him talking shit. am I right? Anyways
"So gwenny are you gonna ask out brucee??" I said to gwen with a big smile, she turned red "I uh I'm gonna wait for him to ask me out I dont wanna make the first move." -gwen
"Ah I understand, I wish I could say the same I always have to make the first move" -y/n Vance turned and looked at me I looked back at him and mouthed "what?"
he quietly said "nothing."
Then Finney said he was gonna ask out donnaaa
"I dont think imaa go with a date I dont really like anyone" -robin
"Yah I think imaa go without one too" -y/n
Vance looked at me again and I laughed a bit and said "what??"
He turned his head to stop looking at me and said "idk what your talking about."
"Y/n you should ask you know whoooo to the prom" gwen said giggling
"I dont know I might have to if I dont wanna go alone because I know damn well he wont make the first move" I said laughing
"Who??" -vance
"No one" -y/n
"Come on pls tell me!" -Vance
"I will another time I promise" -y/n

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