Chapter 8

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Taylor's POV

We skated to the beach and found a spot to put all of our stuff and changed into our togs.

"They've got some damn good looking abs!" I told Alice as we put our stuff next to each other.
"Hahahha Taylor! But yeah pretty fine looking." We cracked our selves up.

"Let's go to the water!" Nash said
"Yep lets go!" Alice said as we all ran to the water. It was. Bit chilly but it was all good. Nash and Cameron looked bit cold so they hadn't gone in fully. Alice and I were behind the boys so we used a hand gesture to push them under. I winked at her and we both jumped to them and they went under.

Nash's POV

"Ahhhh" Cameron and I said as Alice and Taylor jumped on is and pushed us into the water.

"Oh you girls are just full of mischief!" I said. Alice and Taylor both high fived and laughed, it made me and Cam laugh as there laughing were adorable.

Cameron's POV

Once Taylor pushed me under she wasn't as wet as we were she was only wet to her waist. So I went up to her and gave her a big hug and pulled her under the water with me.

"Cameron!" She yelled as she laughed
"You have a cutest laugh."
"Aww thanks Cam"

We had a skimming ball so we started skimming.

Taylor's POV

I felt myself blushing as he told me a had a cute laugh. It was so nice of him to say it no one has ever told me that before.

We came out of the water and got the football out my bag. It was me and Alice against Cameron and Nash.
Alice and I were just too good and won 3-0. Every time we score a goal we did our handshake. As we finished up playing we seemed to all be pretty dry so we chucked out clothes back on.

*beep beep*

"Cameron I think that's your phone" Taylor said.
"Yeah, I'll check to see what it is."
"Mine went off too" Nash said
We all stopped before getting on our penny boards.
"Yo Bryant just sent us 3 new attachments"
"What pictures? I thought he only took one??" Alice said confusingly.
"Hahahaha" Nash and I laughed.
"What's so funny guys.." Taylor said "Bryant had the photo of us all on our penny boards and 2 pics from the beach. One from being in the water and one playing footy on the beach."
We all couldn't help our selves but we just laughed historically.
"What a stalker!" Taylor said as a joke
"I know right!" I said
All of us then got back on to our penny boards going in a north direction.

Taylor's POV

Alice and I had no clue where we were going so we trailed along behind the boys. As we talked about what's been happening in our lives recently as we hadn't seen each other in about 4 months.

*skip skate ride to destination it's boring*

Alice's POV

"OH MY GOD! Look over there, it's the Disney California park!" I yelled
"That's sick! I haven't been here before, I really want to go on that Ferris wheel whilst the sun is going down. It would be awesome!" Taylor said
"Well guess what guys... We are going to go to the Disney park and we are gonna go on the Ferris wheel and on the roller coasters!"
Cam yelled.
"We love roller coasters!" I shouted.
"Well isn't it your lucky day" Nash said.
We got off our penny boards and got our passes to go in.

*skip most of the roller coasters*

Taylor's POV

"We should all go on the Ferris wheel! Cam and I and Alice and Nash. Okay? Okay let's go"
"You didn't even let us answer Taylor"
They all laughed at me.
"Well I mean who wouldn't want to go on the ferris wheel with two wonderful guys."
"I see your point" Cam winked at me.

Cameron's POV

As Taylor and I got onto the Ferris wheel. I told Taylor " I am the luckiest guy in the world to be sitting and hanging out with you. You're such an amazing and beautiful girl!"
"Awww Cameron your such a sweetheart, I feel the same way you feel about me. You are one of the greatest things that has ever happens to me!" Taylor said
"I never want to lose you." She whispered into my ear, she rested her head against my shoulder.

Taylor's POV

This conversation was such an honest one, I realised how strong our feelings were towards each other.

"Taylor..." He said, as I looked up at him. He looked at my lips and back to my eyes and I looked at his lips then his eyes and then his lips again. I knew what was about to happen. He came in for the kiss as he wrapped his hands around my face. I felt the passion as we pashed in the seats of the Ferris wheel. We probably were kissing for about 2 mins and then we pulled away.
"That was my first ever kiss Cameron" I said as I looked up to him.
"Woah, really?? You are an amazing kisser!" He said
"I love you Taylor"
"I love you too Cam" and I then pecked him on the cheek.

Cameron's POV

As I went in for the kiss she came in to. And man it felt so good and so right to kiss her. I couldn't believe she had never kissed anyone before. Then the words came out of my mouth. "I love you Taylor" I realised that I really have fallen for her.

Alice's POV

Nash and I both got into the cart for the Ferris wheel. We got to know each other a bit better and he really was as good as I thought and maybe better. As I looked up I saw Taylor and Cameron kissing. I nudged Nash and told him and we both thought it was cute.
"They are a perfect couple!" I said
"I know they are... I wish I could find someone that I really loved." He said
"I know you will Nash someday it will happen and you will know when the time comes, because when you see this girl you would feel a spark inside of you."
"Thanks Alice for the talk. I really like talking to you."
I blushed a bit and then smiled.

Thanks y'all for reading
Long chapter, I know sorry bout it.
Hope you are all enjoying it so far
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