Chapter 19

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Taylor's POV

I woke up to my friends whispering in the same room as I was sleeping in

"Rise and shine beautiful." Cam said as he came up to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the lips. He sat down, Alice and Nash followed.

"Cam has told us your financial situation and we all want to help." Alice said cheerfully

"But first we need to know how much money you will have to spend on this trip?" Cam told me.

I got out my MacBook Air to check up my travelling account. I realised I actually had $2750 which was alright supposing that we were only travelling to 4 places.


Cam nodded and said " well that's not too bad, we have checked the flight to the 4 countries and for each of us it will roughly cost $3500 including other expenses like food and hotels."

I listened to him and understood that I was short of $750.

"We have the tickets ready to be booked and same for accommodation in each country and it came to a total of about $14,250." Nash explained

"We have got a few ideas to get money to help you for this trip." Alice was saying

Cam started to speak "Well the first idea is buy a lotto ticket..." I burst out laughing because it's like 1 in 1000 chance of winning it. "Second idea is busking we will set up in 2 different places and sing... And the last idea is that we will each chip in a bit of money to cover the rest of the cost of we don't get $750"

"Awwwww you guys are the sweetest, bestest and loving friends a girl could ever ask for! Thanks so so so much! Words can honestly not describe how I feel right now with all the help and support I get from you lot!" I said with excitement and tears of joy. We went in for a big group hug. After the group hug Nash and Alice went out of the room to go get ready for the day. I grabbed Cameron's face and connected my lips to his.

Cameron's POV

It felt so amazing to see Taylor so happy for what we were doing for her. She came towards me and our lips connected and it was pretty intense, we made out for about 2 minutes. And by far that kiss was the best kiss I have ever had. It was truly amazing!

I then left to go get our gear for today and so Taylor could get ready as she was still in her PJs.

*everyone was now ready*

Taylor's POV

Nash got his truck out and Alice and I got the 2 guitars from under the staircase. I locked the door behind us and we left.

Cam, Alice,Nash and I first went to a lotto shop and entered to win 10 million and gave them a $20 note. We split the money so if we actually won we would split the money. We then left with our ticket.

Cameron and I were busking around the block from Alice and Nash. I was on the guitar and Cam was singing as he had an amazing talent although I don't think it is as good as Alice's voice.

*1.5 hrs passed*

My phone buzzed in my pocket as the song was almost over.
I checked it after Cam finished singing.

Alice 😛✌🏼️: meet up at Sals pizza ? We gonna have a break

Me: yeh will be there in 5

Nashs POV

Alice and I were already packed up so we walked down the street to Sals. We met Taylor and Cam at the front door, then went in.

"We had a lot of cash come in." I said smirking

"Oh yeah well I bet it's not as much as we got." Cam told Nash greedily.

"Okay wanna bet whoever has the least amount of money is shouting a Pepperoni pizza."

"Bring it on!"

We both totalled it up.

"You say yours first Nash."
"Okay sure, but be warned... $189"
"Oohhhh yeahhh... I was just a bit over that... $201.20" Taylor and Cam high fived each other
"Looks like you're ordering Nash." Alice and Taylor said laughing.

Taylor's POV

"Just with in 1 and 1/2 hours we made $390.20" I said stunned with the amount we just made.

"After this pizza we will do another hour and then go home and book the flights" Cam said as everyone agreed.

*home after long day*

Cameron's POV

"I have just totalled the money we have mad today and we have got $580 which means we will each chip in about $60 so then Taylor is sorted and we will be all good to go travelling." I said with an excited look on his face.

"Yay!" Taylor screamed "thank you guys sooooooooo much you lot mean the world to me I couldn't of done it with out you!"

"Anything to help I would never leave you behind." Alice told Taylor. Taylor got up and gave everyone the biggest hug. From Alice to Nash and last but not least me. She gave me the biggest and longest hug. At that moment I knew that she is the love of my life and I couldnt imagine my life without her.

"I love you so so much Cameron, I never want to let you go." Taylor whispered into my ear so I returned her with "I love you too, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Taylor 🖖

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