Sarada - "Naruto Gaiden"

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I want to do Sarada some justice. I'm just so dissatisfied with her character design. I was waiting with crossed fingers, Kishimoto would realise that he should change his character design for the new Naruto Gaiden series...but unfortunately, she still looks the least he changed her outfit to something more ninja-like (however I feel her outfit should be BLUE not RED). The picture in the really top right hand corner (Sarada with retarded short hair and glasses) is Kishimoto's character design for Sarada and then underneath it (the bottom right hand corner) is my design and what I thought she should've looked like instead.
Ooooh I also tested out my copic markers as you can see in the coloured drawing of Sarada !!! ^^

Anyway...that's enough of my rants...

Disclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto

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