Chapter 1

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Bad days are normal. Ask anyone who ever went to school, and you’ll get the same answer. Very bad days are also normal. It’s not like they don’t exist.

But the worst days are unbearable. Only those who’ve experienced the worst days can understand this.

Don’t lie to me.

Don’t say you understand.

No one understands.


It had been another one of those days. The days everyone told me I couldn’t let affect me. The days that were harsh. They all went after me, attacking me with their fists, their feet, school supplies. I’d ridden home on the bus avoiding the gaze of every single person, my hoodie zipped up to my nose in the hope of not being recognised.

I was standing in my room scanning it for any sharp objects. I wanted to try it. So many people had said that it made the pain go away, that it made you feel. It made no sense but that didn’t deter me. Scissors. They were sharp right? I grabbed the pair and opened the blade, running it across my forearm.

It burned. But it was only a scratch. Not enough to even leave a mark. I tried a bit more before I got fed up. This pain was not helping. I shot off to the bathroom and locked myself in. Swarms of abuse ran through my head and the anger towards all my bullies pumped through my veins. I knew I was weak, stupid, insignificant, alone, but why did they always remind me? I was helpless.

I was on the verge of crying when I spotted the razor next to the sink. Without thinking I grabbed it and ran it down my arm. It didn’t work. Again. This time, a scratch. This was going worse than the scissors. I sighed and dropped the razor. It fell sideways and slashed my arm. I looked down and noticed the blood starting to drip out of my arm. It was a deep crimson, not as bright as I thought it would be.  30 seconds of staring later, my arm started to burn. I winced and ripped some toilet paper off the handle and wrapped it around the cut. It wasn’t bleeding too badly.

I slipped my hoodie sleeves back down and dashed off to my room before anyone became suspicious.

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