Chapter 15

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A/N Last full chapter guys. Even though it's really super duper short. Sorry about that. I have an epilogue (which could be classified as another chapter if you wish), but yeah, then it's done. :) Hope you like this chapter!


I woke up on Ian’s bed dressed in one of his shirts, my head throbbing like mad. What the fuck happened? I groaned and sat up to find Ian sitting at the end of the bed, a bandage tied around his knuckles. He looked like he’d been in a fight.


“Hey,” I choked out, my brain suddenly throbbing again.

“Hey,” He mumbled, smiling.

He told me the whole story, everything from me throwing Derrick to the ground, to him smashing his knuckles into the pavement, to me probably being concussed from the fall.

“How does one acquire a concussion?” I asked, rather regally.

“I have no idea, but that punch sure did something to your brain,” He said and laughed.

He told me about how he’d dealt with Amanda and her stupid infatuation with Derrick, and how I’d bled from my nose enough to turn the collar of a white t-shirt bright crimson. Gross.

“Thank you,” I said in the middle of one of his action-packed explanations.

He paused and smiled at me.

“No, thank you. Those bastards aren’t coming near me ever again.”

I don’t know what came over me, but before I knew what I was thinking, I was hugging Ian tight. He smiled and hugged me back. Then, I did something crazy.

I kissed him.

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