Chapter 1

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Nicole's POV

"Hey Guys! Today I'm here with my childhood friend, Nicole!" Zoe spoke into the camera.

Hi. I'm Nicole Heirs. I have straight, dark brown hair and brown eyes. I know, not that exciting. I don't have crystal blue eyes like Zoe or anything like that.

At the moment, I'm sitting on Zoe's bed. Yes, Zoe Sugg also known as Zoella. I've been studying in the University of Norwich and this was the first time I've seen her in 7 years. I moved to Norwich to have a fresh new start.

"Hi guys!" I waved to the camera.

You see, I'm not the very confident type. I'm shy. And I like to keep things to myself. I'm a very closed person, if you put it that way. I don't like wearing revealing clothes nor going out clubbing. I'm not a party person. But as you get to know me, I open up to you more.

"Today we will be doing the best friend tag! But with a twist, if one of us gets it wrong, the other one has to do a dare that one of you have tweeted me with the hashtag darezoeandnic" Zoe explained and clapping her hands excitedly.

I adored Zoe. And I was very proud of her too. She released a book. Her very own line beauty products. And has reached 8 million subscribers on her main channel. I was extremely proud of her.

After 20 minutes of filming, my hair was covered with egg and eyeshadow and I was covered in whipped cream. Zoe had mascara streaming down her face because of laughing so hard and also because I poured my water on her. We were best friends and we had managed to keep it that way for 7 years. Even when we're not together.

"Zoe I'm going to have a quick shower before the cream starts to smell!" I yelled as I was picking egg shell out of my hair in the kitchen.

"Borrow the turquoise sweater you love! And maybe some skinny jeans from my closet! Towels are in the cupboard!" She shouts from the living room.

I rushed into the bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way. I took a quick shower. Washing all of the egg and eyeshadow out of my hair.

After my shower I wrapped myself in the towel and poke my head out of the bathroom to make sure Alfie wasn't here.


I walk of out the bathroom trying to cover myself. I'm looking down and soon enough I bump into someone. A manly figure.


"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you were here. Zoe didn't mention anything about you coming back, Nicole!" Joe quickly said covering his eyes.

"Um, Joe, it's alright. Can I get to Zoe's room now?" I ask politely.

He steps aside and I quickly get dressed and dry out my hair. I curled my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I really liked the look of curly hair in a ponytail.

But bumping into Joe, wearing only a towel, was the most embarrassing thing ever.

I've had feelings for Joe for a while. We started hanging out after Zoe introduced us. And I started to develop feelings for him. But only Zoe knew. Joe was clueless of my feelings for him. Even though sometimes it seems a little too obvious.

I run back downstairs and I see Joe and Zoe sitting on the couch together. Zoe was laughing her head off while Joe sat there blushing. He must have told her about our incident from a few minutes ago.

"Nicole! I can't believe Joe saw you in your towel!" Zoe exclaimed.

"Yeah... thanks for embarrassing me even more Zo" I blushed.

"Anyways, I was just dropping by to drop off your vlogging camera and I should be heading out soon cause Joseph's got a date!" Joe jumped up and off the couch.

Wait. What? He has a date? But, I shouldn't be jealous right? I mean, he doesn't even know I like him and he's 23. Of course he would've met other girls while I was in Norwich.

As soon as the door clicked and Joe left Zoe jumped into conversation.

"You okay Nicole?" She says cautiously.

No I wasn't okay.

"Yeah, oh course! Why wouldn't I be? I'm fine." I say, forcing out a fake smile.

"No you're not. Don't lie to me. I know you still have feelings for my brother." She sighs.

"Okay maybe I do but it doesn't matter. He'll never have feelings for me." I look away.

"Well, you never know.." Zoe said.

"Yeah right. He's going on a date. With another girl. That's not me. Does it really sound that he has feelings for me?" I say.

"Then you should tell him your feelings. Make the first move. It's not that hard." She expresses.

"I can't do that! Zoe! You're my best friend. You should know that I don't do that kind of stuff." I sighed.

"Maybe if you spend some alone time together tomorrow night, he'll notice what an amazing person you are then he'll fall in love with you!" Zoe squealed.

"Alfie and I will go on a date and he'll be back from work soon after we leave and then you just ask him if he wants to watch a movie with you or something like that!" She continues.

"Fine. But, if this doesn't work out, I'm blaming you." I said, pointing my finger at her.

"Alright, alright missy. Calm down!" She said putting her hands up in surrender.

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