Chapter 14

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Nicole's POV
I walk out to the lobby and I spot Phil, Dan and Louise waiting for me.

Dan spots me and opens his arms for a hug. I start to walk towards him with my arms wide open too, but I dodge him and hug Louise instead.

"Louise! It's so great to see you again!" I laugh.

"That stunt you pulled during the dinner the other night? Classic!" Louise said.

Dan grabs my shoulders from behind and turns me around.

"You owe me something." Dan smirks.

"Well... I think you would want this more." I stood up on my tiptoes and my lips met his. My hands made their way to the back of his neck and his hands were laid perfectly on my waist.

"Get a room!" Marcus shouts from across the room.

"Shall we?" Louise says.

"Let's go!" I grab Louise's hand and drag her out the lobby as Dan and Phil follow.

We get into an uber and head to Diseyworld.

Dan's phone goes off and so does mine. Twitter notifications.

I open it up and see that everyone has tagged Dan and I in the same picture.

It was a picture of us kissing in the hotel lobby.

"Dan!" I shout.

"Calm down. Calm down." Dan assures me.

"What are we going to do babe?" I quickly say.

"We are going to tu- wait did you just call me babe?" Dan stops mid sentence.

"Maybe." I blush.

"We are going to turn off our phones and enjoy Disneyworld." Dan smirks.

We reach Disneyworld and I instantly go into the nearest gift shop.

"Dan I HAVE to have this!" I say as I grab a pair of Minnie Mouse ears.

"Then I'll have to get the Mickey ears." Dan comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Okay I'm gonna go pay for my ears." I say, unwrapping his arms from me.

I go up to the cashier to pay for my headband. I open my bag to get my wallet out but I find out that I had left my wallet in the room.

"Shit. Dan I forgot my wallet! Now I can't get the ears." I say to him.

"I'll pay for it. Oh and the Mickey ears too." Dan smiles.

"Oh my gosh! Are you Dan Howell? Danisnotonfire?" The girl working the cashier shouts. She looked around our age except she was much more gorgeous. She had bright blue eyes and black hair.

"Yes I am." Dan laughs.

"Can I have a picture?" She asks.

"Of course!" Dan smiles and the girl comes around the counter to take a picture.

They snap the picture but she doesn't stop asking Dan questions.

"So, I know that we're almost around the same age and stuff so do you maybe wanna go to dinner before you head back to London?" She smirks.

"I'm sorry but, I'm actually taken." Dan speaks.

"You are?" The girl behind the counter and I say at the same time.

"Of course! Well, not quite exactly but I'm supposed to meet her later." Dan laughs.

"Oh.. We're meeting somebody else?" I sigh.

"Yes and no.." Dan says as he puts a $50 bill onto the counter. He grabs the Minnie ears and places them on top of my head and kisses my forehead. "Just wait, little one."

Dan and I walk out of the shop to see Phil and Louise stuffing their faces with churros.

"You couldn't wait for us?" I laugh.

"They were right there! They smelt so good!" Louise jokingly screams.

"You guys look cute." Phil smiles.

"Thanks." Dan says.

"So, what ride are we going on first?" I ask.

"That is not a question. We have to go on Splash Mountain!" Phil walks over to me with a serious face. His face was right up to mine. I was basically breathing in his breath.

"boop." I tap Phil's nose.

He bursts out laughing.

"Alright! Let's go on Splash mountain last. Do you want to be walking around Disney, soaking wet?" Louise says.

"Yes! Let's do that!" I skip over to Louise and hook my arm into hers.

4 and a half hours, 9 rides and 13 churros later, Dan heads into his separate way, saying he's got to get something for someone.

"Do you have any idea of where he's going?" Phil asks me.

"Probably to go meet a girl. In front of the castle." I bluntly say.

"Dan just texted me saying we all have to go to the castle." Louise says, still looking down at her phone.

"I really don't want to go." I moan.

"You have to. Come on." Phil grabs my arm and starts dragging me to the castle.

We all reach the Castle and Dan is nowhere to be seen.

Dan walks towards us with a bouquet of red, white and pink roses.

"Those for your girlfriend?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Yeah, here you go." Dan smiles as he hands me the bouquet.

"Dan?" I ask him, very confused.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Dan blushes.

"Of course." I smile.

He picks me up and kisses me. Then and there, it felt like it was only Dan and I.




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