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Knuckles's Shadow bolt awake by the sound of someone breaking the front door down. "Ooooooohhhhh shaaaaadow~ Knuuuuuuuckles~" silver cooed. "Shit" they both whispered and quietly tossed on their clothes. "Quick up here" Knuckles's whispered and opened a secret door in the back of the room. They enter the door and Knuckles closes and locks it right as silver burst through the door. Knuckles places his finger over his lips and shadow nods as they quietly move through the secret hallway. Knuckles texts his parents letting them know what was happening as they entered the garage. Shadow sees no cars parked and wonders what they were going to do. Knuckles taps the floor and another door opens. They enter and close it as a pack member enters the garage. "Follow me" Knuckles said as they walk through the tunnel leading to the front were they see one of the pack members waiting in a car. Shadow grabs a rock and tosses it leading the guy out of the car and to the area where the rock landed. Shadow and Knuckles quickly jump into the car and drive off. "Ok that was impressive" "it's a safety thing my great grandfather installed when the house was built" Knuckles smiled as they approached the sky tunnel leading them down to the mushroom kingdom. Mario was waiting at the meeting spot and they ditched the packs car and hop into his. "Mind telling me what the hell is going on?" Mario asked and they tell him everything.

They managed to escape this time but how much longer will they keep this up?

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