1. arnold loves helga

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you can call me pleb. anywho, I love fanfics! :D

I'm also absolutely adore Hey Arnold, (one of the shows I grew up with) and making stories.
So I thought.. why not make Hey Arnold stories!

I know, I know, I'm a genius, right?

If you seen the episode, "Arnold and Lila",  you would know that Helga wrote 'Arnold loves Helga' on a wall but then suddenly changed the 'Helga' to 'Lila'. I don't really feel like explaining if you never watched it before (you should btw), but yea this story is basically about what would happen if Helga had never erased her name from the wall in that episode. 😎👍

But uhh yeah that's all basically.

Okay byee enjoy <3


"If only for one brief, mad moment it were true... Call me mad, but I dare. I dare!" Helga produced a piece of chalk in her hand, holding it up dramatically as she continued with her I love Arnold monologue soliloquy that she never failed to recite every day. "With this chalk and no witnesses in sight, I will write the words upon this wall which bear my soul, expressing all, I hope, I dream, I pine and I pray, with true, forever and a day."

She grinned brightly, and turned to the wall fully, beginning to write the name of the eternal holder of her heart, the name to which she dare not speak, in beautiful cursive with the chalk...


"Arnold..." She narrated upon writing the most beautiful name ever to be heard upon her ears.

She lowered the chalk on the wall slightly, and began writing the next word, a very powerful word that she knew all too well, in her daring quest...



She lowered it one last time, and wrote out her own name, still in the beautiful cursive hand writing, to complete the sentence that she had always dreamed would come true...



She felt the message to be incomplete, so she drew a large heart around it, like wrapping it up in her own big pink bow to ensure it's safe delivery to the Gods, who would hopefully have mercy on her and make her wish come true...

Helga let out a dreamy, lovesick sigh as she gazed upon the message with true happiness, feeling as if the words were true. For one fleeting moment, they were. And she could feel it, even if she knew she had written it herself, in her own little fantasy.

Reality then struck her like lightning as she heard the horrendous sound of footsteps, and voices approaching. And not just any voices.

"-She puts navy blue, and black. What was she thinking?" Came the all-too familiar, haughty voice of the infernal fashion and gossip Queen, Rhonda Wellington Lloyd.

Helga gasped, realizing her mistake. What had she been thinking? She had just written her biggest wish, relating to her deepest secret, right in plain sight for anyone who passes to see, and if they saw her standing there, they would know that she had written it. And Rhonda would of course never let her, or anyone at school, forget it.

She had to think fast, but what could she do? Any second now, Rhonda and whoever she was with would catch her and it would be over.

"So I said, 'Excuse me Miss Thing, this is the fashion police and I'm going to have to write you a ticket."

Helga hurriedly ran off out of sight, since that was pretty much her only option. Okay, so Rhonda and her cronies would see her message, but at least they wouldn't know that she wrote it, right? Not unless they knew her handwriting. Then again, she rarely wrote in cursive unless it was one of her love poems, so maybe, just maybe, she would be safe. At least a little.

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