4. hypnotizing helga

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hey everyone!
sorry that it took quite a while for me to make another chapter. i was busy with school. and i have a life other than laying down in my room reading fanfics all day, y'know?

anywayys.. i'm making another book titled "hypnotizing helga" as shown above. this is just the first chapter, but the other chapters are going to be in a separate book soon since I kinda planned out too many.

Helga's always hid her kinder side. But what happens if she's hypnotized to show her true colors? What will Arnold think of this "new" Helga?

hope you enjoy! :D

oh, but before you read, just to let you know

I don't ONLY post Hey Arnold things, obviously.
i just made all these stories just because this was one of my favorite shows and also because my other friends were making stories and I wanted to join in on the fun lol.
i am probably gonna post many different things real soon. so until then, enjoy reading!


It was a bright, beautiful day! For most at least.

If there was anyone who disagreed with Eugene that day it was Helga Pataki. The meanest, toughest, most brutal girl at PS118. The ruler of the 4th grade. Queen of Mean! Nobody dared to look her in the eye. Well, other than Phoebe. Phoebe had no reason to fear Helga. She knew all about Helga's secrets. Well... most. She knew enough about her to see that she was a lot nicer than she let on. But that was as far as Phoebe had ventured into the world of Helga G. Pataki.

There was only one other who dared take even one step closer to solving the mystery that was Helga. That one other person was a boy, a nine year old! Well now of course he was ten and in the fifth grade. (this is before TJM) He could see there was more to Helga than some sarcastic, mean, and frankly... RUDE bully. He wanted so badly to crawl inside her head and see what the heck was going on in there. But everytime he got even remotely close to solving her or at least acquiring another piece to the puzzle, she'd push him away. She never opened up, well, that wasn't completely true. She had opened up once...

It was still dark out. The rain fell aggressively onto the hard, thirsty ground. Arnold had gotten fed up. He demanded an explanation for her actions. She had been the mysterious cloaked stranger who haunted the corners of every step he took. She was Deep Voice!

It didn't add up. She hated him! She always did! But what took place on the roof of the FTi building that fateful evening proved otherwise. She had professed her love for him! She told him all about the stalking, the shrines, and all those poems! She told him everything and sealed it with a kiss! But it all seemed too weird. It didn't feel like it was happening.

Once it was all said and done, he gave her a free bee. He allowed her to keep whatever shred of dignity she had left. They agreed it was all in the heat of the moment! But he knew it wasn't, and although it didn't make the least bit of sense to him, he tried to understand it. It didn't make sense at the time. But he had thought about it so much the remainder of the Summer that he was sure he'd not be able to face her. But he couldn't just run away from it. He had to try to understand. He felt like he was still missing a few stray pieces. But he took comfort in the fact that most of the pieces laid before him. All he had to do was get her to open up just a little more. He couldn't stand it anymore! Her confession transformed his... well... it kinda felt like a small hobby on the side of all he held dear, and for some reason, she was one of them. But that little hobby had erupted into an obsession now. He had to understand! He would surely go mad if he didn't get that girl to explain why she was the way she was! He had always believed there was good in everyone, but she was testing him and gosh darn it... he was going to pass that test with flying colors!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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