2. hey horror

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Sorry, that was cringe.

Anywaysss I honestly think this story is the coolest one I did so far.

This story takes place during Halloween, obviously. And Helga somehow managed to force Arnold into "marrying" her for the holiday.

(Also, the whole squad dressed up as each character from this particular show/movie. Can ya guess what? ;D)


"Helga, you've gotta be kidding..."

"No such luck, Arnoldo"

"Helga, honestly, I'm not going to—"

"Ohhh suck it up, Football Head! This is gonna be great! Don't go trying to ruin it all being all your usual wet blanket self—it's Halloween! Get into character, he's much less annoying!

"But Helga, of all the costumes to pick—"

"I know! It's perfect, right?"

"No! I'm not doing this, Helga! I'm not going to follow you around like some lovesick slave boy—"

"And why not? It's all just a part of your character—an act. It's for fun! I mean, believe me, I'm not happy about this either. Having to waltz around with you on my tail all night, having to pretend that I actually like you? As if!"

"Then why—"

"BECAUSE" Paste-for-Brains, as I've stated NUMEROUS times before, it's Halloween. It's all about getting out of your element, scaring the beeswax out of people, and getting as much candy as possible. And who better to accomplish all of that than dress up as none other than—"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, Helga, we've heard this all before."

"Hey! Zip it, Tall-Hair Boy! I wasn't finished."

"Sounds finished to me. I'm on Arnold's side on this one. This bald cap you forced me in makes me feel like an idiot. My hair's gonna come flying out any minute!

Arnold chuckled a little, unable to resist. "Well if the goal is to get you out of your element, it's definitely doing its job."

Helga smirked, pleased. She gestured a long arm towards Arnold, looking at Gerard. "See?"

"But this is ridiculous. Can't I switch with Harold?"

"Yeah! I don't wanna wear this stupid wig all night! I can't see anything! It's so dark! I-I... I'm scared of the dark..."

Helga looked at them dryly. "Seriously? For Pete's sake, if you gotta switch, just do it! I don't care.

"Splendid! And while we're at it, how about you and I switch as well, Helga?" Rhonda crossed her arms, a small twitching growl being repressed at the corners of her mouth.

"Of course not. Why the heck would we switch? What's wrong with your costume?" Unlike Rhonda, Helga didn't try to hide her scowl.

"Well for starters, there are dreadful pigtails! I don't know how you're able to live with yourself day in and out with these ridiculous things sprouting out from the sides of your head! I look like a child."

"Princess..." Helga's eye twitched, looking ready to throttle her, "YOU ARE A CHILD!"

"Hmph!" Rhonda turned away from her, her nose high. "Well, excuse me. I just thought I would be much more suited for the role of the sophisticated, beautiful matriarch, considering I am one."

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